Wife 1

I spent a lovely day with my niece and nephew. And I also got shouted at by the Prime Minister for skipping Parliament today, but honestly I am never going.

Who wants to spend his time listening to people arguing at each other. That place is like a battlefield, there was a time some Members of The Parliament even fought each other.

In a game, they are too fat to do it in real life.

Flynn dropped me at my house, just like how a good assistant would, but he was busy cursing in his mind, but all said and done his possession rate has decrease to 60%.

If it reaches 30% then he would be back to normal and I will bea, ahem I mean train him well. He he he, I miss the old days, my shadow does.

I was greeted by a soothing violin sound, when I entered the living room of my house. In was dark as all the lights were turned of.