
"I wanted to say thank you for rescuing our country." Ursula bowed in front of me, as we reached my office. I did calculate the chances of her finding that I was Red Wolf, but I didn't think she would be straight forward.

I just took a deep sigh, there was nothing to do about now, "Just take a seat and let's focus on business instead."

The sky blue haired girl nodded like she understood and sat facing me, before she grabbed my hand with stars in her eyes, "How did you do that!? No!? How did make the mana breathing technique!? My mana increased by two during the last five days!"

I didn't even give her the strongest technique I have. River Straw Mana Breathing Technique was something my mother used. I just gave it them because my mother's name was French. Why is she making a big deal out of small things?

I pulled my hand away from her grip, "Ahem! I am sadly married father, please mind your manners, please."