
Inside Smoker's office.

A muscular man with light teal hair and a pair of brown eyes sat. He was smoking two cigars in his mouth at the same time. He was wearing a large, thick, white and blue navy jacket, keeping it open, with green fur lining the neck, wrists, and hem. The jacket had the kanji (正義) for "justice" written on the back.

Several cigars were tied to the jacket, and he also wore brown leather gloves, blue jeans with a brown belt, and large brown leather military-style boots.

This man was Smoker.

Ren stood in front of him while Tashigi was next to him, explaining the situation to Smoker.

"Smoker-san, this person is a bounty hunter who eliminated the pirate Pandian, who was recently causing trouble in the city. I sent someone to confirm his identity, and it has already been done," Tashigi said, sounding eager to help this man she had only known for a few minutes.

"Bounty hunter?" Smoker frowned and said in a hoarse voice. In his view, pirates and bounty hunters were the same thing; they were all after money, but bounty hunters tried not to break the law.

However, Smoker knew that most poachers later became pirates because of their greed for money.

"Well, Mr. Ren, have you ever thought about becoming a Marine?" Smoker said, surprising Ren and Tashigi.

After Ren pretended to be thinking seriously for a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said:

"Becoming a Marine? I'm sorry, Smoker-san, but I don't feel like I'm fit for this 'noble' job, and I wouldn't be able to bear such a responsibility," Ren said in a steady voice. He really knew how to speak well.

In fact, his previous words had a lot of sarcasm hidden within them.

As someone who knew what the "gods" of this world, in other words, the Celestial Dragons, did, how would he accept to become one of these pig dogs?

In Ren's eyes, the Marine was nothing more than a guard dog for the Celestial Dragons!

Even the highest ranks in this system called Marine, the Admiral, had to leave Marineford as quickly as possible if one of the Celestial Dragons was exposed to any harm or attack.

Hahaha... the admiral, the strongest man in the Marine, was like a dog rushing to help his owner who was in trouble!

Also, the pirate side has a lot of hot and beautiful girls in it... how could he miss the chance to win the heart of all these beauties?

Returning to the story, after Smoker heard Ren's answer, he seemed to expect it and didn't pursue the matter further, ordering one of the marines to go to the safe and take out the money.

Meanwhile, Tashigi was clearly disappointed when she learned that Ren had no interest in becoming a Marine.

She wanted to ask him why, but seeing that they were still in Smoker's office, she decided to do this outside.

Five minutes later, a marine came over with a bag full of money. There were five million Belly in total, and he gave it to Ren.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If I come across a wanted pirate again, I will be back here," Ren said to Smoker and Tashigi.

But he knew that this would be impossible; after all, he would become a pirate soon.





"Why don't you want to be a Marine, Ren-san?"

Ren and Tashigi were now outside the Marine Branch, and Tashigi took the initiative and asked him why he rejected Smoker's offer.

From Tashigi's viewpoint, being a Marine is a wonderful and honorable job. Even though it is dangerous, if Ren was able to take down a pirate with millions of Belly, he should be strong as well. Why did he refuse?

"Miss Tashigi, my justice doesn't exist in the Marine."

Ren said some bold words to Tashigi. He had already decided that he would try to get her out of this Marine organization and expose all the darkness and corruption surrounding her, so maybe Tashigi would be ready to leave the Navy.

"W-What do you mean, Ren-san?! The Marines are always trying to save innocent people and fight evil pirates who are controlled by their desires and greed. If this isn't justice, then what is??" Tashigi was shocked by Ren's previous words but soon began to stand up for her beliefs.

Seeing Tashigi staring at him while giving him a long speech about justice or something, Ren sighed helplessly and shook his head.

'Maybe if she saw a little bit of Marine corruption, she would change?' he thought in his mind.

"Well, Miss Tashigi, we all have our own convictions and views. The Marine is not a place where I can work comfortably, unlike you. Perhaps when you see things from a broader perspective, you will understand my words one day. But now I have to go. There are still some urgent matters that must be done. I gotta do it."

He decided to think about this matter later; the important thing now was to be stronger and stronger.

"Miss Tashigi, I will go now. I hope we will meet in the future."

After hearing Ren's words, Tashigi nodded to him and said goodbye. Although she still felt a little disappointed that she couldn't convince him, she knew there was nothing she could do.





Ren now arrived in front of a sword shop. This was the place where Zoro had taken two legendary swords after astonishing the old shop owner with a brave display.

Roronoa Zoro, this man used the three-sword style (Santôryû). In this style, the swordsman relies on fighting with three swords, two in his hands and the third in his mouth.

It was Zoro who invented this style.

Zoro had three swords, the best of which was Wado Ichimonji.

For this sword, its previous owner was Kuina, Zoro's childhood friend. After her death, Kuina's father, who is also Zoro's teacher, gave the Wado Ichimonji to Zoro.

He also had two other swords, but they were nothing special, and they soon broke after his duel with the greatest swordsman in the world, Dracule Mihawk.

After many events, Zoro arrives in Loguetown city and enters this store in search of two new swords. As a result of the plot, Tashigi helps him buy swords.

After many other events, Zoro happens to find a rare sword in a scrap heap, and after seeing the owner knowing that Zoro can become a great swordsman, he decides to give him his family's heirloom, which was a sword that had been passed down through generations.

The two swords were Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri.

Sandai Kitetsu is a legendary sword, but it is a cursed sword, and it is one of the 21 Great Grade swords.

But all Kitetsu swords are cursed, as it is said that anyone who uses a Kitetsu sword dies.

But Ren still wants to own this sword; he doesn't want to give up just because it's cursed or something.

Yubashiri is also a target in this "mission", in addition to being a sword from the collection of fifty legendary swords in the world.

After remembering all the information about these swords and remembering their whereabouts, Ren waited until he was sure that there was no one in the store except the owner, then he put on the black mask that he bought from a store in the east of the city.

He quietly pushed the door open and entered.

Ren is a pirate.

Then what's the job of pirates?

Of course...stealing!