[15]A Hard Battle

Arlong Park.

Arlong, who had laughed so much with his subordinates when he tricked Nami, was relaxing on his stone chair as usual.

"Kuroobi, call that damned Marine and ask him to give us our share of the money quickly."

Arlong looked at Kuroobi, even though he was disdain and hated the humans he was still forced to work with them in order to avoid disturbance and control this island for as long as possible.

This made him angry, he swore in his heart that he would kill Nezumi when he collected enough money and started building the Fishman Empire that would control the seas.

He was thinking about the wonderful and glorious future of his race and how he would enslave humans and kill them as he pleased.

Even though he was doing this on this island, the scale was very small and it made him extremely dissatisfied.

While Arlong was fantasizing and wandering in his mind, he soon heard a voice that made him wake up.



Arlong Park's wall was shattered by a strong force, and soon all the other walls were shattered and a medium cloud of dust was formed that quickly dissipated and revealed the scene.

Ren who used tempest Kicks to break the walls looked at the ugly fishes in front of him coldly.


You bastard! Who are you?!"Arlong shouted angrily at Ren, who didn't bother to answer him and continued to count the number of Fish-men here.

"Nearly a hundred fish...that's good."Ren said audibly, making all the Fish-men who heard that feel angry.

This human had just despised them!

Unacceptable!They were the ones who had right to despise humans not The opposite.

The anger of Arlong and his men reached its peak, but Arlong didn't move and sat on his chair again and calmed down.Then he said to his Subordinates:"Someone go kill that foll human!"

"Ok, Arlong-san."

One of the Fish-Men was very happy and quickly moved towards Ren quickly and attacked him with the intention of killing.

Nojiko and Nami had just arrived at Arlong Park with the other villagers, and because of the destroyed walls he could see the scene inside clearly.


Nami screamed, she was knew that the strength of an ordinary Fish-Man was 10 Doubles greater than one human.

Nojiko's heart sank and she felt worried about her boyfriend, but she trusted him after being with him for a while and knew that he didn't do things unless he was sure of success.

Nojiko and Nami's thoughts went through their minds in one second, when the fish man attacked Ren with his hands, trying to lift him by the neck and strangle him, but Ren didn't move and allowed him to do what he wanted.

He grabbed him by the neck and used all his strength to lift him up.


"Ugggh!"The Fish-Man growled, trying to lift Ren up, but he couldn't move him even an inch!

"Why is he unwavering? Is he even human?!" The Fish-Man screamed and his face turned red due to the force he exerted, trying to lift Ren up, but... He can't move Ren from his place.

The other Fish-Man looked at their comrade in shock.

"Oi! Daichi! Don't play with him too much and finish him quickly.This is getting boring!" Arlong shouted, thinking that his subordinate was just deceiving them.

His great arrogance made him blind and he thought that all humans were weak. He even forgot that he was kicked out of the Grand Line like a stray dog, and his leader was also killed by the light man.

But in the next moment, everyone heard Ren's voice, which carried a tone of boredom: "Little fish, this scene is starting to get very boring like you're captain had said , let me help you finish it."


Daichi didn't understand what was happening, but he soon found himself hanging in the air, with Ren's right hand grabbing him by the neck and raising him more than 10 centimeters off the ground.

"L-let me go!! You bastard, this hurts! Let me go ! Someone help me! Arlon-"


Daichi was unable to finish his words as Ren tore his head off his shoulders with brute force alone.

The corpse that was hanging in the sky fell as a large pool of blood began to form at its place.

Ren was still holding Daichi's head but quickly frowned when he saw that his clothes were stained cause the blood of the dead fish.

Daichi's head was smashed into the ground so that it became a paste of flesh and blood and all facial features disappeared.


"Can this person really save us from Arlong's evil hand?"

"I think he can do it! Look at his calmness when the Fish-Man tried to kill him!"

"This is so bloody!"

The villagers discussed excitedly among each other while Nojiko and Nami looked at Ren in surprise and shock , while the young children who had come here with their parents vomited.

Even though Nojiko knew that her lover was not an ordinary person, she was still surprised when she saw his strength for the first time!

As for Nami, she was more surprised, since she knew a lot more about Fish-Fish-Men than the rest of the people in this village.

"Damn!! You killed him!"

All the Fish-Men screamed angrily and then charged towards the human who dared to kill one of them and wanted to tear him apart and eat his bodie.

Ren didn't stay still either and charged towards the crowd of angry fishe heading towards him.

He wanted to try his new physical strength to the fullest, and those Fish-Men were the best training game currently.

Many enemies surrounded him while holding swords and guns in their hands. He didn't wait for them to make a move first and used his speed to appear in front of one of them and twist his neck 360°.

"Dammit! Shoot!"

*Bam! Boom! Bam!*

Many Fish-Men fired bullets but Ren avoided them all with the help of his body enhanced with the energy drink that broke through to new heights.

"Ah!" A Fish-Man screamed when Ren suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed him by the neck and broke it while the body fell lifeless.

The fight continued, which couldn't be called a fight, the fight was one-sided, so that Ren broke the necks of many Fish-Men and let them die with remorse and hatred in their eyes.

It was like an adult playing with a group of children, and even the bullets had no effect on him because he avoided them before they reached him in the first place!

Hatchi, Kuroobi, and Chew could no longer remain silent while they saw their people slowly dying. They were standing at the beginning and thought that this person would quickly meet his death due to the attack of many Fish-Men, but this didn't happen.

The opposite happened and dozens of their friends died cause of that damned human!

"Your'e an inferior race! Take that kick!" Kuroobi shouted spitefully and launched a kick towards Ren's waist, trying to crush him and turn his internal organs into a supp.

"Hmph, stupid fish." Ren sneered at Kuroobi who waved his leg at him and held it with his left hand as if it were nothing.


Soon the sound of bones breaking was heard, it was Kuroobi's leg bones.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"Kuroobi screamed like a little bitch and felt unbearable pain in his foot.

This was the leg that he was proud of, the leg that destroyed many walls and people alike. How was this person able to catch it and break it?!

He couldn't think clearly because of the pain he felt, but in the next moment...



The fist of Ren's right hand landed directly on Kuroobi's face and he felt pain that he swore he had never experienced before. He felt the whole world spinning around him and then immediately after that his vision darkened and he fell unconscious.

Ren didn't kill him because he would have given him special care, not only him but also Hatchi, Chew, and Arlong, but as for the others, he killed them directly.

"Kuroobi!!!" This all happened so fast that neither Hatchi or Chew could do anything but watch their friend get beaten up and scream like a little bitch.

"Wow, was Ren that strong from the beginning?!" He defeated Kuroobi in an instant!" Nami screamed with her mouth wide open. She knew Kuroobi's strength well, that person could easily break rats and rocks using only his legs!

"To think that I was telling him to stay home or Arlong's men will kill him…this…this is a little embarrassing,hehe." Nojiko laughed but she was very proud of Ren's strength.

She was looking around, raising her head as if to say:'Look, everyone! This is the strength of my lover! A small fish cannot do anything to him!'

Nami looked at her big sister in confusion and wondered, 'Why is this girl showing such an expression? What exactly is she thinking about it in this time.?"

If only she knew what Nogkyo was thinking...

Except for these two sisters, the rest of the villagers were very surprised and happy , this meant that they had the chance to become free.

Suddenly they heard an angry scream coming from inside.

"You humans!! Don't be too happy! Soon I will deal with this human and I will kill you all! You too, Nami! I won't kill you, but I will let you see the death of every villager in this village!!! I will kill your sister Nojiko and-"


He didn't finish his words as an unconscious body covered in blood and punches collided with him.

It was Chew who was beaten like a child in front of Ren.

It must be said that Ren was really angry now at Arlong when he said that he was going to kill Nojiko and all that nonsense.

That's why he sent Chew flying in a short moment of rage.

Hatchi was in a difficult situation. Every attack he made with his eight swords was quickly and constantly avoided by Ren. He was already starting to get tired and his body felt exhausted.

"Let's over that, little fish." He looked directly at Hatchi and decided to finish playing with him, then in the next moment:




Three blades of blue energy caught Hatchi off guard so quickly, he saw that these blades came out after Ren kicked the air?


He fell unconscious and three marks of blood were imprinted on his body.

Arlong looked at this scene as soon as he got up and slowly placed Chew's injured body on the ground.

But after he saw that Hatchi had also been defeated by that human, he could no longer calm down and some fear crept into his heart.

'Fear?? I'm afraid of a human?! Unacceptable!! I'm Arlong! I am a Fish-man of a noble and powerful race! I am strong!!' He screamed in his heart like a crazy, his eyes turning red with anger and humiliation.

Without speaking further, he went up to his palace and quickly got his weapon. It only took him a few moments to return while Ren was dealing with the rest of the weaker members of the Arlong Pirates who had withdrawn from the battle previously after Chew, Hatchi, and Kuroobi intervened.

They thought that the fight had already been decided in their favor, but after the Three stronger fish-Men were defeated like children, these weaker members tried to escape and take shelter at Arlong's side, but how could Ren allow them to do this?

He chased them one by one and beheaded them with his hand or hit them with a tempest kick that split them in half.

Like a fish, wait...they were actually fish!

Ren began to feel a little physically tired after fighting for an hour straight without stopping against several cannon fodder and the three officers.

He didn't know how much strength he had left, but he could definitely kill Arlong. This strength was from the physical reinforcement he had gotten yesterday as well as the Storm Kick and Firearms, although he doubted that the latter might have a great effect on Arlong.

At this moment, he heard Arlong's voice entering his ear.

"You bastard! Fight me now!"

He was holding in his hands his pole, with which he fought many battles in the Grand Line and with which he shed the blood of many persons.

He was going to do the same thing to this damned human!!

Kiribachi is a giant black pole with six shark tooth-shaped black blades on one side, resembling half of a sawshark's snout. Its handle is that of a katana's, but has no guard.

Arlong waved Kiribachi towards the human's small body compared to him, trying to cut him in two.

After a high jump, Ren avoided the pole and gathered strength in his right fist, aiming at Arlong's head.

Arlong smiled secretly and opened his mouth, revealing his shark teeth.

"Tch!" Ren backed away at the last moment and avoided Arlong's sharp teeth.

He knew that this shark's teeth were sharp and would cause him some pain if he were bitten.

"Do you know the power of the Fish-Men Race now, human?!!" Arlong shouted madly with red eyes at Ren, who kept looking at him and not caring about what he was saying, just analyzing any loopholes to attack Arlong.

"You talk too much, fish!" Ren tried to provoke Arlong into lowering his defenses and then quickly finished him off.

His physical strength was constantly decreasing.

"I'll cut off that insolent tongue!" Arlong growled calm down , and in the next moment he quickly approached the large pool in his yard and took a handful of water.

This was Arlong's Limited 'Water Manipulation', using an attack similar to 'Uchimizu's' technique in Fish-Men Karate where he can shoot handfuls of water from his webbed hands as deadly projectiles.

"Water Manipulation: Fish-Man Bullet!!"

Several drops of water shot out from Arlong's palm towards Ren with great speed and force exceeding that of ordinary guns.

Ren used his maximum speed to try to avoid all the water bullets, but Arlong kept throwing more and couldn't keep up with them all.

"Ugh..!" One of the bullets hit Ren's shoulder, and blood began to come out of his shoulder, his clothes began to contain some red spots, indicating his injury.

"Ren!!" Nojiko cried worriedly as she looked at Ren who was injured from Arlong's attack

"No way…" Nami covered her mouth with her hands and tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.

Shahahahahahahahaha!!This is the fate of everyone who opposes the Fish-Men! Your fate is death! Opposing the Fishman is like to opposing the nature! We are the chosen race!! We are the noble race!Shihahahahahahahaha!!"

Arlong laughed like crazy when he saw Ren had been hit by one of his bullets, even though he had to use this technique a lot, which affected his physical strength greatly, but no, it was still worth it!

You see this?

His opponent is kneeling on one knee in front of him after all the chaos he caused!

No one could oppose him in East Blue! He even didn't use his true strength when he was in the water!

He approached Ren with his Kiribachi in his right hand and a triumphant smile on his face.

"shihahaha…It seems that you used a lot of force previously to hit my subordinates, but look at your condition now, you look like a chicken waiting to be killed!"

Arlong mocked Ren, this was his chance to pay back the humiliation he had suffered previously.

But Ren remained silent, with an expression of pain on his face. He couldn't move his body and seemed to feel tired and exhausted.

"Since you were a little enemy to me, you despicable human, I will allow you to say your final words. Have you finally recognized the strength of us Fish-Men? Do you feel remorse for your actions? Did you wish you were born into this noble race?SiHHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I…"Ren said the first word in pain and stopped briefly upon hearing screams from the watching crowd.

"Rin! Please get up! You're not going to die like this, Right?!" Nojiko screamed and tears began to fall from her eyes already. Is it too far from her to finally find the love of her life? He will die at the hands of Arlong like Bell-Meré?

"It's all cause of me..."Nami covered her mouth with her hand and hot tears started to fall from her eyes again, she herself didn't know how much she cry this day.

As for the other villagers, they were afraid that after that person died , whose name they didn't even know, their turn would come next.

However Ren didn't even fight for them , he wanted to kill Arlong for Nojiko & Nami and finally tried his power,etc...

He has no relationship with these people and doesn't care about them.

Away from all the Drama happening outside, and back to Arlong and Ren.

"You what? Shihahahaha! Do you want me to spare your life? It's too late!" Arlong looks at Ren dismissively.

"Goodbye, bastard!" He said this and then waved Kiribachi towards Ren's head to cut him off.




Instead of the sound of flesh being cut and his enemy's head rolling in front of him, Arlong saw that his sword was cut in two by Ren's hand that suddenly appeared and struck his weakest part.

Before he realized what was happening, he received a barrage of strong punches from all sides.

*Boom! Bam! Boom! Bam!*



Ren who had the smile of the villain who succeeded in his plan continued punching Arlong non-stop.

With every word the sound of bones breaking could be heard, Ren hit Arlong's face and the latter couldn't react in time and his consciousness finally started to darken.



With another blow to Arlong's skull, the sound of bones breaking was heard, indicating the breaking of his head and also the strength of Ren's punchs.

"I...i just wanted to tell you,when you became so careless, you damned fish!"

Arlong fell unconscious.

In the next moment, the crowd that had remained silent erupted into a sudden uproar and screams.

Arlong, the leader of the Arlong Pirates, the strongest man in East Blue, who his bounty is 20 million Belly.

Had been defeated!