[30]Kuro's death

Kaya was shocked and sad. She couldn't believe that the servant she trusted was greedy for her money.

He is also the reason for her health condition deteriorating greatly in recent years...and the worse is that he is who killed her father!

"why did you do that?!" She looked at Kuro who was handcuffed. Kuro was looking at all of this with a look of disbelief and realized that he had been tricked by Ren.

He realized that his plan had failed, or worse, that he might die.

Upon hearing Kaya's question, who was crying silently, he looked at the spoiled girl in front of him and laughed madly.

Merry looked at this angrily, he was very loyal to Kaya's deceased father, he didn't expect that the servant he had saved that day would be the cause of his death...he even wanted to kill Kaya Oju-sama!

How ungrateful and evil!

Ren was quietly watching all this drama, Nami and Nojiko did the same.

They didn't know how Ren was able to identify Kuro as a pirate, but they didn't wonder. Ren had many secrets and as long as he didn't want to tell them, it didn't matter.

Returning to Kuro, he finally stopped laughing but his crazy expression and the obvious anger on his face didn't disappear but rather increased.

"Why I do that? Because I wanted to end my lifestyle of chaos and headaches! I wanted to live in this village quietly after my plan succeeded! But because of this person-"


Before he could finish speaking, Nojiko fired a bullet that pierced his shoulder, causing him to scream in pain like a trapped dog.

Ren didn't mind Nojiko's actions, as long as she wasn't killing him now, she could torture him however she wanted.

"Respect the Captain Ren, you defeated dog." Nojiko said coldly, her weapon still pointed at Kuro, who was breathing heavily trying to suppress the pain in his shoulder.

Nami looked at this scene with jealousy, she also wanted to torture this person in order to look great in front of Ren.

Nojiko beat me this time...

Aside from the hidden rivalry between the sisters, Merry and Kaya were frightened by the sound of the sudden gunfire and backed away slightly but still looked at Kuro with hatred.

Although Kaya is a kind-hearted and naive girl, she doesn't mind if those guys killed kuro now.

Speaking of Ren and the two girls, Kaya had changed her mind about them since Ren was right regarding her servant.

But she wasn't the mood to think about this. She was sad and miserable. She felt her body heavy on her and her head began to spin.

"Uuh...what's happening to me...?"Kaya felt like she was about to fall onto the hard ground.

But before her body fell, Ren's strong hand caught her and stopped her.

This was a well-known cliche scene but is still very effective for innocent girls like Kaya.

"T-thank you Ren-san." Kaya thanked him, but she didn't blush or anything like that, even though this was the first time a man other than her father had held her like this...

Thinking about her father and Kuro's words earlier, she felt very sad.

Maybe her father's kindness the reason for his death? Does extreme kindness really always lead to negative results?

Kaya didn't want to think about this now, so she held Ren's hand and whispered to him.

"P-please...I want to be alone for a little while and rest."

Upon hearing Kaya's words, he nodded towards her and then gestured to Nojiko and Nami while looking at Kuro meaningfully.

The two girls understood what he wanted and did so, dragging Kuro out of the room after untying his handcuffs.

"Stay here Miss Kaya, I'll come soon to see you after I finish what I started." Saying that, Ren left the room and closed the door.

Kaya and her servant, Merry, remained in the room, looking at each other with a sad expression.

Suddenly, Kaya started crying, and Merry tried to calm her, but he couldn't do anything.

He sighed and said in an audible voice: "Fortunately, Mr. Ren recognized Kuro's real face, or I couldn't imagine what would happen.."


Kuro was led to another room in the palace that was close to Kaya's room, he was dragged by the shackles in his hand like a dog.

Nami's power enhanced by the energy drink was something the current Kuro couldn't resist.


He was thrown into a corner in the room, Kuro opened his eyes filled with pain and hatred and looked at the three people fiercely.

He wanted to tear them apart, kill them, torture them...but he couldn't do that in his state.

"Nami & Nojiko,Back off a little." It was Ren who spoke and then started walking towards Kuro, Nami and Nojiko followed his orders and made way for him while they were looking forward to the show.

They are no longer innocent little girls now, they have matured and gained the courage and audacity to take people's lives. As long as Ren considers them enemies, they are enemies that they should kill them

Nothing more or less, if their kindness and tenderness towards enemies will make Ren dissatisfied about them, then they don't need pity and mercy!

Returning to Ren, he had no intention of torturing Kuro or anything like that. He grabbed him by the hair forcefully, looked at him threateningly, and said in a cold tone: "Call you'r crew to come to this island tonight!"

"H-how did you know?!"


Ren punched him again, but this time not in the face but directed his fist at his stomach.

"Don't ask me questions, I said call your crew now!"

Kuro desperately gasped for air, and after some time he regained his normal breathing and then said:"There is a Den Den Mushi in my jacket pocket that I use to communicate with one of my crew leaders."

Ren didn't speak any further and searched every inch of Kuro's clothes and actually found a small Den Den Mushi in his right pocket.

"Take it and call them. I want them to be on this island tonight. Don't make them suspect anything or you will suffer a fate worse than death. Believe me, I'm not exaggerating when I say this." Ren threatened him again and Kuro nodded.

However, Ren didn't think he would warn his crew and tell them to not come to this village. He remembers in the original work that kuro killed his crew members for some ridiculous reasons.

That's why he'll try to drag his crew with him into all this chaos.

Since I'm going to die, why don't we die together? This was Kuro's idea as he entered the private number and called his deputy.

"Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry..."



"Hello, Captain Kuro." A strange sound came from the Den Den Mushi who turned into an unfamiliar face, but Ren knew that this person was Jango.

He was the second in command of the Black Cat Pirates and is also Captain Kuro's first mate with a bounty of 9 million Belly.

"Listen Jango, we have to speed up our plans, we'll attack today at night, you have a few hours to tell the rest...that's all for now." Kuro deceived his first mate without any change in his expression, he knew that he was going to die so he had no guilt in betraying his energy.

Even if he wasn't in a life-or-death situation, he wouldn't feel any guilt for killing and betraying his crew.

"Eeeh?? Captain Kuro, wait-"

Jango couldn't say what he wanted because Ren quickly hung up after Kuro had done what was asked of him.

"Well done, now you can go to hell."

Hearing Ren's words, Kuro knew that this was the end, but who wants to die?

The desire to live was a human instinct present in all humans.

Ren took out his gun from The Infinity Space and pointed the barrel at Kuro's skull.

"I'm Captain Kuro!"

Kuro shouted and moved his hands, which were tied with iron chains, to show the claws of a giant cat. These were not ordinary claws, but rather blades capable of stealing lives and shedding blood.

He wanted to cut off Ren's head in one quick movement, in fact Ren had already noticed what he wanted to do with the help of his Observation Haki. He sensed the presence of hidden weapons under his hands.

But he didn't stop him, he wanted to see the man's final struggle and what he would do.


Ren was disappointed and sighed when he saw that Kuro couldn't attack with claws because his hands were tied and he could only pull out hidden weapons, but attacking with them was another matter.


Ren pulled the trigger and the sound of gunfire was heard in several nearby sinkholes. Kaya also heard the sound and wanted to go to see what was happening, but Merry tried to stop her.

But Kaya was very stubborn, she was able to convince Merry with a few words.

She entered many rooms, but they were empty, and after searching carefully, kaya found the source of the sound.

She sees Kuro, her former servant who pretended to be a pirate and killed her father for her revolution, dead with a bullet hole in his forehead.

After executing Kuro, Ren returned his weapon to The Infinity Space and looked at Kaya, who came and stared at this scene with a stunned expression.

Nami and Nojiko were accustomed to seeing death and lifeless bodies, so it wasn't a big deal in their eyes, but Kaya was just a spoiled girl who didn't leave her palace due to illness.

"I'm going to bother you a little while cleaning up this mess."

"Yes, Mr-Ren." Merry looked at Kaya worriedly and moved her to another room to rest. Kaya's original room was filled with fake blood due to the little trick Kuro had fallen into.

"Let's go Nami, Nojiko, we'll come back here later." Grabbing them by their waists, the two girls hugged him happily while they enjoyed his hand touching their slim waists.


He used Geppo to fly through the sky again leaving Kaya's palace while Nami and Nojiko clung to him like koalas.

In the sky, Ren looked at the new system notifications with interest.


¶-[Ding! Congratulations host, for finishing the hidden mission:"Sabotage Kuro's Plan" and obtaining:"Primary Armament Haki cake."and "Primary observation Haki cake."]

¶-[Ding!Congratulations host, for finishing the main mission:"Defeat Kuro" and obtaining: "Geppo Scroll"(Low Level)]

¶-[Ding! Congratulations host, for finishing the hidden mission:"Sabotage Syrup Village Plot" and obtaining:"Geppo Scroll" (miduim level)]
