
[3000 words]


"If that's the case...it must have been difficult for you to escape from there, Tashigi" the substitute Marine leader said in a gentle voice, with a touch of sympathy.

Tashigi looked at the Marine woman in front of her and said with tears in her eyes:"I-if it weren't for Smoker-san's sacrifice, I would have died too..."

"Sigh...what's done is done, you must get some rest nowTashigi. Here, I'll take care of this"

Hina,A beautiful Marine soldier said to Tashigi.

Tashigi turned away, and as she walked out the door, she replaced her sad expression with a blank face, wiped the tears from her eyes, and disappeared into the darkness heading towards her room...

Back to Hina.

Hina, nicknamed "The Black Cage" was a Marine captain stationed near the Marine base next to Alabasta Kingdom in the Grand Line, but she was transferred here after the recent incident.

She was shocked when she read the newspaper about Smoker's death.

Hina was Smoker's colleague and had known him for a long time, In her youth, Hina trained as a Marine alongside Smoker, Despite being a model of obedience and professionalism, she remained a friend to the reckless and undisciplined Smoker and helped him on several occasions to protect him from senior officers.

In the end, they both reached the rank of captain, but now...Smoker was dead.

He was killed by a powerful pirate out of nowhere, The Fleet Admiral warned her not to get involved with him and to let him enter the Grand Line where he would be ambushed by the main base Marines.

Put that aside, Hina was sad, sad that her friend at work had died, and sadder because she couldn't take avenger you.

Because she was weak.

Her strength wasn't in Devil Fruit, it was nothing special.

Hina ate the Ori Ori no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to create iron bars and create iron restraints on her enemies, This power earned her the nickname "Hina the Black Cage."

"Sigh...Smoker-kun, it seems I won't be able to kill the pirate who kill you, but at least I'll take care of your subordinates."

She got up from her chair and looked at the mirror in front of her.

Hina was a tall, slim woman with dark brown eyes and straight waist-length pink hair, She wore a two-piece suit in dark purple over a white blouse, as well as dark brown shoes and a pair of dark gloves.

As with most Marines, Hina wore a long white Marine jacket draped over her shoulders like a cape, the only difference being that she retained her distinctive color on her shoulders, which were light blue, while Marine officers usually had red and blue shoulders.

[Hina pic here]

She glanced at the woman and picked up a wanted poster from her desk.

She looked at the cold face in the poster, her hands trembling with anger, and clenched her teeth.



It was nighttime, people retired to sleep after a day filled with hard work, killing, plundering, and trying to survive in this dangerous and harsh world.

No one struggled to live day after day.

Except for the Celestials dragons, nobles, and a select few.

In the calm waters of the East Bleu.

Ren's temporary ship continued to sail, and inside the captain's quarters, there was a scene.

Two girls sleeping peacefully, the noteworthy thing was that they were both naked.

It was certainly a beautiful sight.

Two beauties of the first rank sleeping peacefully.

Ren enjoyed the wonderful scene, and after a few minutes, he put on his clothes and went up to the deck of the ship.


He breathed in the cold sea air, the air was refreshing, and the weather was perfect for smoking.

He took out his cigarette from his pocket and lit it using a lighter, then put it back into The Infinity Space.

"This ability is still as useful as ever" Ren naturally pointed out the special ability of The system"The Infinity Space".

What does it mean to store anything non-living?

It means that as long as there is an island, without trees, plants, humans, animals, it can be stored.

You might wonder where this kind of island can be found and what good it would do to store them.

But this ability is still useful regardless of the example of the island, attacks that don't contain any living beings can be stored in The Infinity Space.

Take for example the ability of Shiki, the Golden Lion Shiki.

This person can throw rocks thanks to his fruit, and this ability is very annoying even for Garb and Sengoku.

Most of the blocks and rocks thrown by Shiki against his enemies do not have any living beings on them.

If Shiki were to throw such attacks at Ren, they would be stored in The Infinity Space directly and easily!

Ren needs to strengthen his Haki a little more and then he can kill Shiki, The Infinity Space ability would be useful for him in battle without a doubt.

But that's if Ren can find Shiki.

"The ability of his Devil Fruit is very useful and important for my plans..."

Ren exhaled smoke and flicked the cigar into the sea, then paused his train of thought regarding the matter of Shiki.

There was something more important that needed to be addressed.

He glanced at the system notification he had received a while ago with curiosity.

[¶Ding! Congratulations, host to completing the main mission: "Obtaining a Title"and obtaining a part of the"Treasure Map"!]

[¶Treasure Map: It is a map indicating the location of a valuable treasure, There are 3 parts of the map, When collected together, the exact location of the treasure can be determined.]

"A treasure map, huh..."Ren gazed at the old piece of paper, which was not complete and obviously torn.

"So, if there are ,3, parts like this piece of paper..."

There was no doubt that the treasure map obtained from the system directly wouldn't be ordinary.

But the problem was that there was no way to obtain the rest of the parts except by completing missions and waiting to obtain them.

Most of the system rewards were "random", Ren didn't know how the system determined these rewards and didn't know when a new part of this map would appear.

He stored the piece of paper into The Infinity Space and looked up at the moon hanging in the sky.

He raised his hand to the sky as if he wanted to grasp the moon.

"Power... I should become stronger!"

With unwavering determination in his eyes, the Black Death began training his sword skills at night.

Yes, the Black Death was the title Ren had acquired and became known for in the East Blue and the first half of the Grand Line.

Wherever he went, he left nothing but death and corpses in his wak,. That was the source of his title!

The Black Death!

The world didn't know that the Black Death had just begun his deep scheme to control this world!


[After 4 days.]

Ren's ship arrived at Loguetown.

"Finally...I've returned to this place" Ren said aloud, loud enough for the girls to hear too.

Loguetown was where Ren began his journey as a pirate.

But there was no nostalgia or anything of the sort.

If he was going to miss anything, it would be his time on Earth with his mom and his sister.

Even that nostalgia was fading away day by day...

Anyway, Nami looked at the city in front of them and muttered:"The birthplace of the Pirate King...the city of the beginning and the end!"

The stories of the Pirate King spread even to the most remote islands, His notorious reputation preceded him. He was executed in Loguetown, his hometown.

This was a tidbit from Roger to Garb, but naturally, the general public wouldn't know this, Only a select few in the Marine infantry and the World Government knew this information.

"Captain, should we stop in this city?"Nojiko asked.

"Yes, we haven't seen Tashigi for about a month, Oh, and don't forget to hide your faces."

"Got it, Captain!"Nami and Nojiko replied, as did Kaya. Even Lorena had to wear a hat covering half her face, fearing recognition.

A princess strolling with the worst pirate in the East Blue? What nonsense!

Lorena didn't want her identity to be understood by the Marines and have a bounty placed on her head, so naturally, she would hide her face.

As for Ren and his crew, they did this because they didn't want to attract unwanted attention, There was no enemy in the East Blue who could stop Ren, but it was better to keep his movements secret.

There was an intelligent mind in the Marineford named Tsuru.

This woman was considered a legend in the Marines. She was directly active during the Rock's era and pursued Donquixote Doflamingo to the point where she caused him nightmares.

"We must hide our ship before reaching the city" Ren said, and quickly decided to store the ship in The Infinity Space to avoid being noticed.

and Lorena quickly responded"How are we going to hide something this big?"

"Like this~" Ren waved his hand and the ship disappeared in a flash.



"We're falling!"

After a moment of silence, Lorena and Kaya screamed when they saw that they were almost falling into the sea.

But Ren quickly grabbed the two girls and floated into the air using Geppo.

As for Nami, she did not scream, and Nojiko quickly caught her, preventing her from falling into the sea.

They were still far from The city and Ren decided to store the ship in The Infinity Space early so as not to be noticed

"Wow... I thought I was dead" Lorena said, tears forming in her eyes, creating a comedic scene.

"Hahaha, your reaction is really cute" Ren chuckled.

Upon hearing Ren's words, Kaya blushed in embarrassment.

Lorena noticed that Ren was holding her by the waist, and unnecessary thoughts began to form in her head. She blushed in embarrassment and screamed like a little teenager.

"Cough, what's wrong with her?" Ren wondered.

Nami, who was being carried by Nojiko, looked at this and said, "Is she really a princess? Anyway, I need to learn Geppo too..."

She was embarrassed by her current situation.

Returning to Lorena, the girl wasn't surprised by Ren's ability to hide the ship with one hand, although the scene was stunning.

This man could resurrect the dead, let alone perform such "magic tricks."

"Let's enter the city, Make sure not to be discovered" Ren ordered.

"Got it, Captain!" x4


On a lively apricot day in Loguetown, the buildings sparkled with golden sunlight, The streets were bustling with activity and congestion as people gathered to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and shop from the roaming vendors who displayed a variety of goods and trinkets.

Among the buildings, vendors offered fresh apricot produce and other fruits, filling the air with the scent of ripe and refreshing fruits. Bounty hunters roamed the streets, searching for an unfortunate pirate.

The news of the death of The White Hunter brought sorrow to the people of Loguetown, but for the pirates, it was fantastic news, Many bold pirates dared to come to this city that had been forbidden to pirates.

"The White Hunter is already dead! The Black Death killed him! Why should we be afraid?"

These were their thoughts, but reality was extremely harsh, Those bold pirates were quickly crushed by the Marines led by Hina.

Amidst this bustling atmosphere, the residents of Loguetown were unaware that the Black Death, the pirate responsible for the death of their idol Smoker, had infiltrated the city and blended in with the residents like a ghost.

Ren planned to have a secret meeting with Tashigi, The female swordswoman had taken leave specifically for this day.

In the midst of the bustling streets of Loguetown, Ren strolled slowly alone, his face reflecting deep thought, He pondered his future plans and their likelihood of success, He had set the meeting location with the rest of the crew long ago and was eager to reach them without delay.

He forced them to separate to avoid drawing attention.

Ren was dressed entirely in black, looking as if he came from a different world, his demeanor characterized by mystery and supreme elegance.

He wore a black shirt with matching pants, creating a sleek and harmonious appearance.

The colors of the outfit perfectly complemented his fair skin, but unfortunately, the clothes covered every part of his body.

He wore a scarf striped in black and yellow, boasting its bright colors as it swayed lightly with each step, adding a touch of mystery to his persona.

He wore a bamboo hat on his head, covering almost his entire face and leaving him a space to see the way, giving him a unique and unconventional look.

[Pic Of Ren Apparence Here]

Suddenly, as he headed towards his destination, he collided with someone who appeared to be a bounty hunter.

The man stepped back in pain, but Ren didn't move from his place.

"Are you blind, you idiot?!"

The bounty hunter looked extremely angry, screaming and threatening Ren as he groaned in pain.

The mood of the bounty hunters was approaching that of the pirates; perhaps the only difference being that the pirates were more wicked and ferocious.

But despite the threat, Ren remained calm, his eyes emitting a cold light.

When the bounty hunter saw that Ren remained silent, he thought he had frightened him when he saw the weapon he held in his hand.

He smiled cunningly, thinking he might make an easy many by threatening him.

Their commotion attracted passersby and roaming vendors, who stared in fear as womens carrying their childrens fled to safety.

"I can forgive you for bumping into me, but you have to pay—" Before he could finish his sentence, Ren lunged without hesitation towards the bounty hunter, and in a moment of speed and skill, he broke his jaw with a quick and precise movement.



The bounty hunter screamed and fell, writhing on the ground like a fish out of water.

"You're blocking my way"

Ren said coldly, his voice sending shivers down the spines of everyone present, especially the bounty hunter who held his jaw in pain, tears streaming from his eyes.


Ren kicked the poor bounty hunter, throwing him onto one of the crates in the crowded street, shattering it.

Another cry came from the bounty hunter as he felt his bones break from the powerful kick.

An unexpected calm settled over the street, their eyes filled with awe and astonishment, and no one expected such a cold response from the mysterious man.

Without paying attention to the frightened stares of the passersby, Ren resumed his walk calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"Don't look at him!"

"I didn't see anything!"

"I'm getting out of here!"

Some ordinary citizens fled upon seeing the brutal display of power by Ren.

"He disappeared?"

"How is that possible? He was just here!"

Ren disappeared from the crowded street as if he had never been there, reappearing in a deserted alley and sighed.

"Sight ~Fools everywhere, I hope this doesn't attract the attention of the Marines."

Although he doubted that such a minor incident would disrupt his reunion with Tashigi.

He stepped out again into another bustling street; Loguetown was one of the most famous cities in the East Blue because of Roger, Many people settled here after his execution, and many tourists flocked to the execution platform.

As Ren continued to walk towards the meeting place, he saw a group of Marines coming towards him.

However, Ren didn't tense up, He continued to walk calmly, his face covered, only his eyes emitting a chilling light.

"Are there any new pirates trying to sneak in here?" A soft voice from one of the Marines at the front caught his attention, sounding like the leader.

'This woman...'Ren looked at Hina, who was standing at almost the same height as him.

Their gaze met for a few seconds as each person walked in their own direction.

It seemed like time stopped in that moment, the movement of the other people slowed down in Ren's and Hina's eyes, leaving only 4 eyes staring at each other.



The voices of her subordinates pulled Hina out of her situation, and a strange look of confusion appeared on her face as she quickly turned around to see Ren again.

No one.

The man with the bamboo hat and black clothes was gone, as if he had vanished.

"Was I imagining things? That seemed familiar..." Hina felt a shiver of horror as she stared into the eyes of that person earlier.

His eyes were cold and wary of everything and anything, as if that person was the enemy of the whole world, even more than that...

She shook her head and tried to forget the previous encounter, but to no avail.

"Hina,get a grip!" She told herself and tried to distract herself with the piled up work left by her deceased colleague.

On Ren's side, he was still walking to the meeting point, getting closer and closer.

"If she's the one in charge of the Navy branch in Loguetown instead of Smoker...things are starting to get interesting."

Ren laughed as he formed a wicked plan in his head, his cold laughter making people recoil from him in fear.

His height, strange attire, and the mystery surrounding him were enough to make a small child wet themselves.

"It seems there's a new mission for you, Tashigi, hahaha~"

Ren used Soru and disappeared among the people, leaving behind only a mirage and a wicked laughter.


Author's gossiping.

What is Ren's plan about Hina?

Enjoyed..Drop PS