[49]Whiskey Peak Battle

[3200 Words]


Upon hearing the soft laughter, everyone looked up to the sky, where a woman was floating!

She carried a bright green umbrella with blue stripes, With her hands, she had yellow hair and bright green eyes, She wore a yellow and orange hat, along with a lemon-patterned dress, lemon-shaped earrings, and white high-heeled shoes.

"It's Miss Valentine!" Igaram shouted, recognizing the newcomer.

His eyes sparkled with intelligence. He glanced at Ren, then opened his mouth:"Miss Valentine, please help us defeat this pirate, We've lost many of our members and haven't been able to capture him!"

Vivi regained her composure, trying to hide her tension and confusion from Miss Valentine.

"Kyahahahaha! Mr.8, there's no need for pretense anymore...Or should I say, Igaram-san?" Miss Valentine laughed, revealing Mr. 8's true identity.


Igaram was shocked again today. The organization members knew his true identity!This meant their plan to infiltrate Baroque Works had failed.

"Princess! please escape! I'll buy you some time" Igaram shouted, no longer hiding himself, clearly pointing to Vivi as the princess.

"Kyahaha! My mission is to eliminate you..Do you think I'll let you escape?" Miss Valentine laughed mockingly, beginning to use her Devil Fruit power.

Miss Valentine ate the Kiro Kiro no Mi fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manipulate her body weight freely according to her desire, She can make herself weigh anywhere from 1 to 10,000 kilograms, She uses this power to make herself heavy enough to easily crush her enemies and explode their insides or make herself light enough to glide through the air by catching the breeze with her umbrella, explaining her ability to fly.

"Igaram! be careful!" Vivi screamed when she saw Miss Valentine about to use her Devil Fruit power.


Ren used Soru and appeared in front of Igaram in the blink of an eye, Miss Valentine didn't care about the person who appeared in front of her prey and decided to kill both!

"10,000 kilograms!"

Miss Valentine shouted with a smile still on her face.


She descended quickly onto Ren, who pushed Igaram away, Miss Valentine thought this intruder would be crushed into a pulp of meat and blood, but the next scene shocked her! Not only her, but Igaram and Vivi were also gaping in disbelief!

There, Ren grabbed Miss Valentine's foot, who now weighed 10 tons. His hand trembled slightly and was covered in black.

Armament Haki.

A second before Miss Valentine's attack, Ren used Haki Armament on his right hand at maximum speed and power, He dared not underestimate a 10,000 kilograms weight falling from a high altitude from the sky.


"Is this person...human?!" Igaram and Vivi screamed, then looked at Ren in horror.

Did they want to capture this monster?

Were they serious? Where were their minds?


Miss Valentine's usual smile vanished, replaced by shock and anger.

She screamed at Ren, who showed serious expression while staring at the beauty in front of him.

"Let me go!! Release my foot, you scoundrel!"Miss Valentine tried to free herself from Ren's Haki Armament grip, but she failed.

"How can this be?! I weigh 10 tons now! How can this person hold me like this?!" Miss Valentine screamed in horror.

"Rhahahaha!" In the next moment, Ren let out a sharp cry and threw Miss Valentine, who weighed 10 tons, into the sky.

"Kyaaaah!" Miss Valentine screamed as she returned to the sky, weighing 10 tons. Fear made her forget to lighten her weight.

Ren cracked his fingers and muttered:"She's a bit heavy."

And in the next moment, he used Geppo to soar into the sky.

Miss Valentine floated in the sky after lightening her weight to 1 kilogram, looking at Ren coming at her in horror.

"Damn it! Nobody told me this monster here would interfere with my plans!" She screamed in fear as he approached her quickly, walking in the air.

"He walks in the sky?!"

"This is The Black Death... a man with a bounty of 240 million berries. We were truly foolish!" Igaram and Vivi felt fear, suddenly realizing they were lucky not to have directly attacked Ren earlier, or they wouldn't even know how they died.

In another battle arena, Nojiko fired at all the gunmen who attacked her, reloaded Falcon, and watched her surroundings for any new enemies.

As for Nami, this girl was fighting five men alone, all of them seemed to be swordsmen.

In Nami's vicinity, scattered and lifeless bodies lay everywhere, The girl had completely changed and enjoyed destroying her enemies and the ecstasy of victory.

For Nami, the thrill of victory was second only to her exhilaration with Ren in bed.

"Come forward, cowards!" Nami mocked the men in front of her, immediately after intentionally provoking them, A fierce-looking man wielding a sword stepped forward, aiming to decapitate her.

Nami sneered disdainfully and countered the attack with her own sword, The clash of metal resounded as a new round of wielding, defending, and attacking began.

Soon enough, the bounty hunter found himself in an unfavorable position, overwhelmed by Nami's fierce and swift assaults, leaving him only able to defend.

In the next moment, another bounty hunter intervened and targeted Nami.


The sound of the sword cutting through the air was audible as it aimed towards Nami.

Nami snarled in annoyance and swiftly used Soru to disappear from her position, causing the sword to miss its mark, In the next moment, the five men heard a chilling sound, as if it were the voice of death itself.

"Sword Style: Twilight!"

Immediately after, Nami wielded her sword with all her might, integrating her armament Haki to the fullest extent, along with the compressed air, into her swing, utilizing all her physical strength.


The sound deafened the ears as a two-meter-long blade, white and black in color, and was launched towards the five bounty hunters directly.


"Damn it!"

"Save me!"

The cries sounded as if they were from evil spirits filling the air, as Nami's attack severed three men in one fell swoop, cutting their bodies in half. Nami, fatigued but determined, capitalized on the shock and confusion of the survivors.


With the sound of blood gushing like a fountain, she thrust her sword into the throat of her opponent, crimson blood flowing vividly with a pungent smell.

Nami avoided the blood that would stain her clothes and withdrew her sword from the dead man's throat. Then, she quickly turned and kicked the hand of the other survivor, who was about to stab her in the back.

"Ah! Monster! Monster! Help me!" As his hand was kicked, his sword fell to the ground, and Nami stepped on it, breaking it.

He attempted to flee for his life, but She quickly closed the distance between them.

"How dare you turn your back during a fight?" Nami cast a disdainful glance at him and swiftly stabbed him in the back with her sword, the blade emerging from the other side, piercing his chest.


She withdrew her sword from his body, spraying the blood that was on it onto the ground.

Nami looked at the battlefield with a satisfied smile.

Hundreds of corpses lay on the ground, some decapitated, some dismembered, and others dying more peacefully, with bullet holes visible in the back of their heads.

"Are you done cleaning up?"Nojiko's voice came as she approached Nami, holding Falcon in her hand.

Nami replied, surveying her surroundings vigilantly, "Yes, but it seems the danger is not over yet."

Nojiko laughed and nodded:"Yes, there is still a rat hiding here."

Immediately after her words, she grabbed Falcon and launched it towards a dark alley between the buildings.


"I didn't expect you to discover my location..I don't know how you did it, but it seems you have some power." A gruff voice emerged, and in the next moment, a strange man appeared before Nami and Nojiko.

He was tall, with dark skin and short, spiky black hair, wearing a brown coat with a pink necktie and a pair of sunglasses.

This was Mr. 5th of the Baroque works Syndicate.

Regardless of the time of day, like the other officers, his number appeared on his clothes and body, with a "5" on his coat, also tattooed on his right shoulder.

"Have you finally decided to come out of your hole, you rat?" Nojiko said coldly, pointing her weapon Falcon at him.

"Then die!"



An explosion occurred in that area, forcing Nami to retreat using Soru.

She gasped for breath as she tried to maintain her stamina, She had fought many enemies and used Haki along with Soru several times, needing a little rest.

"What...?" Nojiko looked at Mr. 5, who was collecting his mucus into a ball with disgust.

"Is this the Devil Fruit ability? You blocked my bullets with this?" Nojiko had a strange expression, then remembered the information she got from Ren.

Mr. 5 smiled proudly, saying:"Yes! I've eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi fruit, which allows me to create powerful explosions from any part of my body, or even my entire body, without harming myself, let alone making it immune to all kinds of explosion-based attacks!"

He paused for a moment and continued his explanation:"I can also impart explosive properties to my bodily secretions, like my saliva or mucus!"

"I see...so that's why the captain wants you alive." Nojiko said with a faint smile, ignoring Mr. 5's shock when he heard her words and quickly moved towards him.

She closed the distance between them and attacked with Falcon. Falcon's stone structure was more than enough to beat Mr. 5!

"Don't underestimate me, girl!" Mr. 5's anger flared at Nojiko's earlier words.

Quickly, he used his mucus again for the attack.

He threw the mucus ball towards Nojiko, whose expression remained unchanged, and she struck the ball with Falcon.


Another powerful explosion echoed in the area, Nojiko's hand trembled, but she quickly regained her composure and advanced towards Mr. 5 again.

She had to be careful not to kill him; these were Ren's orders!






Their battle quickly intensified, Mr. 5 continued to throw explosive mucus to hit Nojiko and closed the distance between them, while Nojiko accurately shot and detonated Mr. 5's explosives before they reached her.

Several buildings were blown up during the battle, and some previously lucky survivors died.

Mr. 5 escaped between the buildings after realizing that his opponent was a sniper.

As he hid behind the rubble of a house, Mr. 5 panted heavily, looking around."Damn it! Where did this monstrous girl come from?!"

Just as he finished speaking, a voice entered his ear:"You let your guard down."

Mr. 5: "???"

In fractions of a second, he looked around trying to figure out the source of the sound.

He turned right and found nothing, then turned left and there was no one.

Time seemed to freeze as Mr. 5 searched for the source of Nojiko's voice.

A sudden realization struck him, and his heart pounded forcefully. He swallowed hard, then...

He raised his head and stared into the sky.

"Huh? What's that thing?"

There was a strange body covering his field of vision, He didn't have a chance to think or defend himself because his body couldn't keep up with his thoughts.


Nojiko struck Mr. 5 in the face with Falcon, sending him backward like a broken paper airplane, He had lost consciousness while still in the air.


The house collapsed onto Mr. 5's body, fortunately missing his head. Most likely, a leg or two was broken.

Nojiko landed on the ground, no longer using Geppo, She sighed and walked cautiously towards Mr. 5 with Falcon in her hand.

"No need to be cautious, sister, He's already unconscious; that blow was devastating"

Nami's voice came from behind her, Nojiko approached her, and they went together to Mr. 5's location.

"I know Nami, but you should never lose your caution in battle, What if this person has some tricks up his sleeve?"

Nami sighed at her sister's seriousness but then smiled as Nojiko hugged her.

"You did well in your battle, Nami."

After the surprise, Nami laughed and returned the hug to her sister.

"I'll bring this disgusting person to Captain Ren, I wonder how he's faring in his battle?" Nami wondered as she began searching for a rope. She rummaged through random house debris and found a rope, then tied it around Mr. 5's leg and started dragging his bloody body.

"Do you think Captain Ren will lose?" Nojiko asked sarcastically.


Elsewhere on the battlefield.

As Nami and Nojiko expected, Ren was now fighting Miss Valentine...or rather, he was toying with her.

The poor girl could only defend weakly against Ren's powerful punchesz It should be noted that he deliberately prolonged the battle with her.

He didn't want it to be too boring.

"You Bastard!"

Miss Valentine cursed, her previous smiling expression replaced with an ugly one indicating pain and fear.

They were currently on the ground again, Miss Valentine adjusted her weight back to normal because her opponent could also fly.

Her devil fruit was powerful, but it had an obvious flaw.

When she was in the sky, her weight was 1 kilogram, If she was attacked in this state, Ren's punch would make her fall like a broken paper airplane!

Dead and broken, she wouldn't survive a single bone in her body.

But Miss Valentine didn't have any notable fighting strength, All her power came from her devil fruit, and her once-effective attacks were now useless because her opponent could also catch her.

"So you're the famous Black Death...!"Miss Valentine gasped as she looked at Ren, who appeared relaxed as he stood before her.

They were almost at the same height, Ren looked at her with a faint smile and said coldly:,"It's time to end this."


With the sound of a gentle breeze, he disappeared from her sight in the blink of an eye, widening Miss Valentine's eyes, Before she could react, she felt something touch her stomach.

Without much thought, she increased her weight to 10,000 kilograms, Her legs sank into the ground due to the heavy weight, and she received Ren's punch.



Ren's punch hit her stomach with full force, adding a layer of Armament Haki, but he still felt his hand trembling.

For Miss Valentine, she was thrown with her weight of ten thousand kilograms, then stopped 10 meters away from her original place.

*Thud! Thud!*

When she collapsed on the ground, the weak layer of soil couldn't withstand the weight of 10,000 kilograms and was slightly destroyed.

"S-she fainted...!"Igaram said with a trembling voice.

Vivi didn't dare to look at Ren and kept her gaze lowered.

She witnessed a battle of monsters with her own eyes.

People flying in the air and moving so fast that she couldn't keep up with Ren and his punches with her naked eye.

In addition to the strange ability of Miss Valentine, but she was easily defeated, and it seems that the person who defeated her didn't even break a sweat!

Of course, Vivi was exaggerating, The defeat of Miss Valentine wasn't difficult for Ren, but it did offer him some resistance when she made her weight 10,000 kilograms.

"Well, after finishing this...it's your turn, princess."

Upon hearing Ren's words, Igaram trembled and looked at Vivi. "Princess! I'll try to delay him, even for a second! Now run away!"

"No, Igaram-san! You can't do this. You'll die! You saw his strength with your own eyes, right?"

Vivi screamed in panic and knew that Igaram would sacrifice his life in vain.

"Enough screaming, From now on, you're all our hostages!" Ren said with a cold voice, his faint smile never leaving his face.

Faces of Vivi and Igaram turned pale, before they could speak again, they were interrupted by another voice.

"Captain! We're back!" There were four people.

Kaya and Lorena, who fled first when the battle broke out, then Nami and Nojiko, Nami was dragging an unconscious man, making them five people.

"Hi~well done, girls." Ren looked at them and his mood improved when he saw the girls safe and victorious.

"This...! It's Mr. 5!" Vivi exclaimed in horror at the sight of the bloodied figure being dragged by a rope.

"Did these girls defeat Mr. 5?! Are they monsters like their leader?!"

As soon as Vivi's words were heard, Nami's face darkened, and she pointed her gun at her""Who are you calling a monster?! Captain, can I cut this girl?"

"I'm sorry lady! I apologize on her behalf" Igaram intervened to plead for Vivi.

Vivi nodded her head in fear. The atmosphere was tense, but Ren quickly spoke:"You can't kill them Nami, They are our hostages after all,That blue-haired girl is a princess; we can exchange her for a huge amount of money."

But to his surprise, Nami didn't back down at the mention of money. Her expression remained cold as she said, "Since this is the captain's order, consider yourself lucky."

Ren looked at Nami in astonishment, Where are the eyes that resemble the bellies? Where is your greed for money?

"Captain, is there something wrong?" Nami asked, confused when she saw Ren's strange look.

"No...nothing, Let's go back to the ship, Our work here is done and we've achieved our goal." He stood in front of Miss Valentine, who was unconscious, and then lifted her with one hand.

"Who is this...?" Nojiko wondered.

"She's another hostage" Ren replied simply.

In the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Mr. 5 suddenly opened his eyes and threw four explosive mucus balls at Vivi, who was nearby.

"The mission must not fail..!!" He said with a harsh and pained voice.

"Princess! Watch out!!" Igaram-san shouted and pushed Vivi aside, becoming the recipient of Mr. 5's attack.

"just stay unconscious, you son of a bitch!" Nojiko shouted and hit Mr. 5 again with Falcon.

He lost consciousness, but there was a victorious smile on his face.





Vivi screamed as she saw Igaram being blown up and thrown, his large body falling like a broken paper plane.

Igaram's body fell, emitting smoke, and no one knew his current condition.

Ren looked at this Coldly.

He could have saved Vivi without any consequences, but he found that this scenario served his plans better.

As for Igaram? if He died? no one care.

Perhaps Vivi cares now, but over time, she will forget what happened.

A dark smile formed on his face when he saw the system notifications.


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host , for completing the main mission: "Whiskey Peak Plot" and obtaining the new system feature:"Devil Fruit Extraction"]

¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the main mission: "Defeat Mikita" and obtaining "Armament Haki Cake."

¶[-Ding! Congratulations host , for completing the main mission: "Defeat Mr.5"and obtaining "The future Appearance scroll"]

¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission: "Foiling the Crocodile Scheme in Whiskey Peak" and obtaining the "Second Part of Treasure Map"]



Author's gossiping.

A little backstory will be created for Mikita.

AS the system will evolve in the future.

Take a look at the Auxiliary chapter in folder 0