[59] Chaos Approaching

[2500 Words]


The Grand Line, Paradise.

An unknown sea.

Ren's ship sailed towards Alabasta, carrying a disaster for the Baroque Works and its leader.

On the ship's deck, Ren stood with Nojiko, talking to her about the Devil Fruit.

He waved his hand, and the Devil Fruit appeared.

It was a dark blue apple, filled with patterns resembling double letter "S's ", and the thin strand was shaped like a fuse.

[Image Here]

"What kind of fruit is this?" Nojiko asked , wanting to know more about the fruit she was about to eat.

"It's Bomu Bomu no Mi , belonging to Mr. 5 whom you defeated" Ren explained.

"Oh! So it's that disgusting' man fruit?" Nojiko laughed, recalling her battle with him.

Mr. 5 thrower his snot at her, the repulsive scoundrel, but fortunately, she was strong enough to avoid his attacks.

"Yes, in fact, this fruit has very great potential, but it fell into the wrong hands, Mr. 5 was trash who couldn't think of a better way to use his powers." Ren mocked the deceased Mr. 5.

Then, after a short silence, he began to explain the fruit's abilities.

"It's a Paramecia-type fruit that allows the user to explode any part of his body, like limbs, hair, bodily secretions, or even breathing and coughing, turning them into a Bombed human (Bakudan Ningen)."

"Interesting" Nojiko commented as she listened to the explanation, This fruit suited her because she preferred fighting with firearms, and explosives fell under that category.

"We're not done yet, This fruit grants immunity to all other explosions, so even artillery shells won't affect you anymore, and you'll be able to assess the quality of gunpowder and explosives," Ren continued.

"Wow, although it's a Paramecia, it has almost the same advantage as a Logia, providing natural immunity against explosives," Nojiko pondered, analyzing Ren's words.

"I'll eat it!" she decided ,grabbing the fruit without hesitation.


The taste was awful, worse than anything Nojiko had ever eaten before.

She grimaced and resisted the urge to spit out what she had eaten, then swallowed the bite.

"Just one bite is enough, Now try to feel your new powers," Ren's voice came, calming Nojiko as she began to recall the information that had entered her mind moments ago.


She took a deep breath, then looked at Ren and said, "I want to test my powers now... but I don't want to destroy the ship."

Ren nodded in agreement; he also wanted to see Nojiko adapt to the Devil Fruit's power, but he still needed the ship to reach Alabasta.

'I need a better ship...' he sighed mentally, not leaving Nojiko waiting for long before he said:

"It's okay if the ship gets damaged a little, and I'll bring out some rocks and solid materials for you to train on, As long as you control your new powers well, there won't be a problem."

"Okay Captain!" Nojiko nodded in agreement, finding Ren's words logical.


[10 minutes later]


The ship's deck, once empty, was now filled with rocks, wooden barrels, and some empty wooden crates.

Ren brought out everything he had left of the "training materials", as he called them, from the Infinity Space, giving Nojiko a chance to experience the power of the Devil Fruit.

All the girls were here, knowing that Nojiko had eaten a Devil Fruit, They congratulated her, happy that a crew member had become stronger.

"Come on, Nojiko, blow everything up!" Nami said from the side, looking at Nojiko standing there.

Mikita, Kaya, Lorena, and Vivi remained silent, wondering about the type of Devil Fruit she had eaten.

But it seemed that Nami already knew; perhaps Nojiko had told her?

Mikita wondered, feeling a familiar sensation when she heard the word "explosion" from Nami.

The captain had the ability to take Devil Fruits, and he had killed Mr. 5, could it be that...

And indeed, her guess was quickly confirmed when she saw Nojiko punch a nearby rock, causing it to explode.


Nojiko used the power of the Devil Fruit to detonate her hand while hitting the rock, causing it to explode into several scattered pieces on the ship's surface.

"What a strange feeling...to blow up my own hand, but I can get used to this!" Nojiko smiled, then turned to see Ren smiling at her, She became more excited and went to kick another rock.


With a loud explosion, the rock and Nojiko's foot were blown, but she was unharmed, Her body was strong enough to hit a regular rock without pain; she was used to use Moonwalk.

[A/N: I decided to change the Japanese names to English, only for the six powes, As for the Devil Fruits, let me know how you want me to translate them.]



"You're amazing, Nojiko-san!"

"That was a big explosion..."

The girls commented from the side, while Ren saw that there was still room for improvement.

"Try to focus more, kick that big rock with all your strength."

He gestured towards the largest rock he had brought out, which was three times the size of a small boat.

When he had brought it out from the Infinity Space earlier, the ship had trembled slightly.

"Got it!" Nojiko said deeply, stepping in front of the rock and examining it. It was towering, but Nojiko didn't flinch.

"Use Armament Haki or your foot might get slightly injured" Ren's voice came from behind, reminding her to use Armament Haki.

"Huuuf..." She took a deep breath, then covered her foot with Armament Haki, She hadn't reached the level where she could cover her entire foot with it yet, so it wasn't entirely black.



The explosion this time was bigger than before, The thunderous sound rang in the girls' ears, and the ship shook slightly as a black cloud of smoke rose.

As for the large rock, half of it had been destroyed, It wasn't towering anymore since Nojiko had jumped high and kicked the rock from above; the lower part remained intact, at least for now.

Nojiko didn't stop there; she kicked the remaining part of the rock, causing it to explode completely, and the black smoke cloud reappeared.

"Hahaha, this feels amazing!" She laughed and began punching and kicking the wooden barrels.

The sounds of explosions spread as Nojiko detonated her limbs while kicking the "training materials."

Within just a minute, half of the "training materials" had already been blown up.

"Wow, has she lost her mind?" Nami laughed, watching her sister's frenzy.

"Kyahaha~ It would be better for her to blow up the heads of Baroque Works agents" Mikita laughed.

"Wow..."Vivi, Lorena, and Kaya stared wide-eyed at the scene, Nojiko was...terrifying!

"Well Well Well, Stop." Ren's deep voice reached Nojiko's ears, and of course, she complied and stopped.

"It's good to see you adapting to this ability quickly, but..."

"But what?" Nojiko was a little worried, Had she made a mistake?

Seeing her troubled expression, it seemed like he guessed what she was thinking He shook his head and said firmly, "You're a sniper, not a close-range fighter, You don't need to engage in physical conflicts unless absolutely necessary."

Upon hearing Ren's words, Nojiko paused for a moment, then said, "Oh... you're right, So how can I use my Devil Fruit power differently?"

Nojiko considered the possibility of what he said and shivered involuntarily.

Don't tell me she has to use the same disgusting method as Mr. 5?

No! It's impossible for her to do something as disgusting as that.

Ren sighed when he saw Nojiko's frightened expression, Was this girl thinking about something strange again? Ren wondered.

"Take your weapon and I'll show you how," he said to her, and she quickly took out Falcon, which was hanging from her waist.

She checked it, finding no issues, then smiled lightly and waited for Ren to guide her.

"You have to blow into your weapon's chamber, so your breath turns into an explosive substance thanks to the Devil Fruit, and then you release that substance instead of a bullet."

"Oh! I understand now," Nojiko said with realization, then began to try what Ren had said directly.


Nojiko blew into the weapon's chamber, and her breath lit up to form an explosive substance, Then she pulled the trigger, aiming at a wooden barrel that had survived the previous "training materials massacre."

But it didn't survive now.


The barrel exploded, leaving no trace behind, It was as if it had vanished from there, leaving only a black smoke cloud that quickly dissipated.

"Nice," Ren praised Nojiko, This girl was becoming more terrifying day by day.

It must be said that Falcon wasn't an ordinary weapon like the guns in this world The speed of the bullets that came out of it was very high, not to mention something as light as a person's breath; the speed doubled with decreased weight, so the barrel was blown up in fractions of a second.

"Damn... I couldn't even see the attack!" Nami looked at the scene in awe.

"If that bullet hits me, there won't be anything left of my body..." Vivi said fearfully.

As the rest of the girls admired Nojiko's strength, she became more terrifying than before...

She was happy to receive the praise; it meant she had become stronger and could help Ren even more now.

Suddenly, Ren received a new notification from the system.

[Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission "Obtaining a crew member with Vice Admiral (Low-Level) strength", and obtained " Shave Scroll".]

[A/N: Shave= Soru]

"Oh? Have she already reached Vice Admiral (Low-Level) strength?" Ren thought mentally.

Thinking about it, Nojiko had mastered her Armament Haki and Observation Haki( just primary) , in addition to her talent in sniping, and her newly acquired Devil Fruit power. She was qualified to reach Vice Admiral strength ,Even if she was Just a low-level Vice Admiral.

He smiled contentedly, then ruffled Nojiko's hair, He glanced at the chaos spread on the ship's surface and remained silent.

"Cough, I'll clean this up, Captain," said Nojiko, feeling embarrassed.


Meanwhile, the threads were moving.

A naval ship could be seen making its way to a large island, but it wasn't alone; there were five ships with it, making them six in total.

But that wasn't the problem; among the five ships was a giant warship carrying hundreds of well-trained soldiers!

This was an absolute force to be reckoned with in the sea, as they had destroyed many unlucky pirate crews they encountered.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, what was the reason behind mobilizing this force?

On the deck of the warship stood a large, mustachioed man, his eyes black, his long curly hair black, what was terrifying about him were the four intersecting scars on his face, plus two on his neck, wearing a naval hat and jacket.

[Image here]

He wore a somewhat angry expression, no, he wasn't angry, but that was his usual expression, making him appear extremely stern and strict, taking everything very seriously and assertively, holding everyone accountable.

This was the Vice Admiral from the HQ, Doberman!

He believed in absolute justice, much like Akainu, and usually disregarded the lives of his subordinates if it meant killing pirates and succeeding in missions.

When the Fleet Admiral told him he had to go to Paradise and hunt down a specific pirate, he was slightly angered but didn't dare to oppose.

Was the Fleet Admiral looking down on him to send him to kill a pirate from Paradise?

But orders were orders, and pirates remained pirates, although Doberman was annoyed, he accepted the mission.

And Sengoku informed him that the enemy had Haki, so he shouldn't underestimate them.

He set off a few days ago from the main moon, and finally met with the stationed Marines here who would be his support, although he didn't need any support.

"Sir Vice Admiral! We arrived at Alabasta!" a subordinate said to Doberman firmly.

"Good, Is there any sign of the target?" he inquired in his gruff voice.

"No...we never spotted the target ship, Should we wait for its arrival?"

Doberman's expression didn't change as he said,"The Fleet Admiral said he would be here, so he will be, We must wait, Let's anchor!"

His voice became cold and commanding.

"Understood, sir!"


Meanwhile, on another naval ship, Hina ordered her subordinates to anchor here.

They were all currently under the command of Vice Admiral Doberman.

"Where is Tashigi?" Hina wondered softly.


In Tashigi's room, the girl opened the Den Den Mushi and made a call.

"Captain...we've arrived at Alabasta. Vice Admiral Doberman is here too, along with six naval ships, one of which is a warship carrying well-trained HQ soldiers," Tashigi reported all the information she could gather.

"Understood...good job, I'll arrive soon Keep in touch, When I arrive, I'll tell you what you need to do," Ren's deep voice came from the other end.




Alabasta, in an unknown place.

"What is the Vice Admiral doing here?!" Crocodile exclaimed in anger when he received the information from spies in the harbor.

He was notified that six naval ships had anchored in the harbor, which wasn't the problem; the problem was the warship carrying Vice Admiral Doberman on board.

Robin, who had been informed to complain to Crocodile, remained silent.

She didn't know Why the Marines is here; this was Warlord territory, and it couldn't be violated without prior notice.

But Doberman did it.

Doberman wasn't the kind of person to negotiate with pirates; anything the Fleet Admiral assigned him, he had to accomplish.

And if Crocodile complained? He would simply say that the Fleet Admiral gave him permission to do anything, as long as he didn't directly attack Crocodile.

Of course, Robin and Crocodile weren't aware that the Marines' target was Ren; Crocodile was worried that this sudden change might affect his plans, which were close to succeeding.

While Robin was afraid of being recognized by the Marines and spending the rest of her life in Impel Down.

But she remembered her agreement with Ren and calmed her anxiety a little; he would protect her until he got evidence to convict Crocodile, right?

Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by Crocodile's harsh voice: "Inform all remaining agents to convene for a secret meeting, It will be about the last mission for Baroque Works members!"

Before Robin could react, Crocodile continued: "If anyone refuses to attend the meeting, they'll be considered traitors and hunted down until the end of this world!"

After finishing his speech, Robin quickly replied:

"Understood, Mr. 0"


Author's gossiping.

Well , let's make a deal، If we reach 720 power stones within 24 hours of publishing this chapter, there will be an Boni Chapter.