[62] Unexpected Arrival

[2650 Words]


The Grand Line, Paradise.

In Alabasta.

Chaos erupted in Rainbase city, The city's residents came out to see what was happening, only to be shocked beyond belief.

Marines and Baroque Works agents were locked in a bloody battle with pirates who seemed to be targeting Crocodile.

At first, it didn't seem like a big deal, but then they saw the casino collapsing into rubble and... Sir Crocodile was defeated and his arm severed!

"Sir Crocodile..."

"It can't be..."

"Damn it! We have to do something to save him!"

"We can't, the pirates have him captive..."

The citizens whispered among themselves, trying to find a solution to the current situation.

They thought that after these pirates finished their battle with the Marines, and assuming the pirates won, it would be their turn, and they would also be killed!


Back to Ren, he had taken Nojiko's place and began to engage with Vice Admiral Doberman and his assistants, Hina and Hisomba.

"Your mission is to secure the unconscious bodies of Crocodile and the other defeated agents, Mr. 1 and Mr. 3."

These were Ren's orders to Nojiko, and she quickly subdued the three individuals and killed the agents who tried to save them.

Ren wasn't worried about Crocodile waking up; he had already injected him with that needle...


Doberman sent a surge of energy blade aimed at Ren, who simply deflected it with his sword, countering the attack.

"The Black Cage!"

Hina screamed and rushed towards Ren bravely, She knew the difference in strength between them, but she wasn't one to fear death—she was determined to find an opening in his defense for Doberman to exploit.

"Heeh, time to take a little nap," Ren said, looking at the black cages about to close in on him, then vanished with the help of "Shave" and reappeared behind Hina.

"Get away from him quickly!"

Doberman yelled, but it was too late.

Ren smoothly lifted his leg and kicked Hina's Body.



The sound of bones breaking was heard as Hina screamed and was thrown like a broken kite, crashing into a building and not getting up again.

She had lost consciousness.


"Damn you, scoundrel!"

"Kill him! He dared to strike Hina-sama!"

Hina's subordinates who saw Ren kicking her rushed towards him in anger.

"Come on, you ruffians!" Ren laughed as he faced Doberman's sword with his armament Haki-covered hand.


He tightened his grip, then infused his armament Haki more aggressively, using his sheer strength and speed to punch Doberman's face.



Doberman staggered back as he was thrown into the air, crashing into a small house, Dust and violent winds scattered as Ren's punch showed its power.

Ren found the perfect opportunity to finish him off and rushed towards the injured man fiercely.


Suddenly, Hisomba intervened. There was no fear in his face when facing Ren, just determination.

"Good effort," Ren praised.

"But...you're too weak to stop me!"

"Death Blade!"



There was no chance for Hisomba to withstand this attack, He was wounded in the chest, the blow reaching his heart.

A big wound appeared on his chest. Hisomba fell to the ground, blood leaking from his mouth and his wound.

He stared at the sky quietly, feeling life leaving his body.

"Heeeh..." A light sigh escaped Hisomba's mouth, he closed his eyes, forever.

He stopped breathing, died with a smile on his face, staring at the scorching sun of Alabasta.

"Captain Hisomba..."

*Crying, crying*



The marines cried around Hisomba's body, but their emotional moment was quickly interrupted by the cold voice of Mikita.

"Kyahahaha~ no need for sadness, you'll follow him soon!" She had minor scratches on her body, her clothes were slightly dirty, and around her lay other Baroque Works agents fallen.

Miss Doublefinger, Mr. 2, Mr. 4, Miss Monday, and Miss Merry Christmas, all of them! They fell under the joint attacks of Mikita and Nojiko!

"We have to do something!"

"The Marines are losing! Look at that person they call the Vice Admiral being kicked and punched like a little child!"

Rainbase's citizens watched the battle in fear; the tide was clear, the Marines lost, and Baroque Works members were dying by the dozens every minute.

"I'll kill them before they come to kill me!" A brave citizen said, holding his sword and looking at Mikita and Nojiko with hostility.

"I'm with you!"

"Count me in!"

"Me too!"

"I'll join!"

More brave souls emerged; they grabbed their weapons and were about to rush towards their death.

But, a loud, astonished voice stopped them.

"Look at this crowd of people! Is that...King Cobra and the rebel leader?!"

The person who saw hundreds of people approaching from a distance exclaimed, They were riding horses and had various expressions on their faces.

A mix of doubt, confusion, anger, and fear.

"Look, Father, that person is Ren!" Vivi pointed to Ren, who was still dealing with Doberman, while the latter struggled to retaliate but in vain.

"This person...attacking the Marines?!" Cobra said in a puzzled voice.

"I told you he's a pirate, Dad! He's the one who will help us overthrow Crocodile!"

"Oh, ah, a pirate..." Cobra sighed, looking at the chaos before him.

"Is that... Crocodile?!" Cobra exclaimed, finally noticing the crowd of unconscious Crocodile with two of his subordinates.

Nami looked at Nojiko, who nodded to her, then in the next moment, Nami jumped off her horse and went to her sister.

"Is everything okay here?" Nami looked at the destruction and corpses around her and asked.

"Yes...By the way, what happened? Why are you with the rebels And The king?"

"It's a long story..."


[Six hours ago]

When Nami separated from the group and went her own way, Nami, Vivi, Kaya, and Lorena arrived at the city where the rebels were centered.

Vivi told them about the current situation of the country and the one responsible for it.

But Koza didn't believe her, and then Nami got into a conflict with the rebels, Although their numbers were large, they were just ordinary humans, quickly crushed by Nami.

Vivi insisted on Koza, trying to convince him that she was telling the truth, When Koza saw that the other side hadn't killed any of them and seemed to be trying to have a serious conversation, he ordered the rebels to stop.

Plus, he was afraid of the power Nami showed; dozens of men couldn't even make her retreat!

And after a long explanation from Vivi about how Crocodile wanted to take over the country, Koza decided to believe Vivi for the first and last time.

After that, Vivi told them that she needed to go to the capital and inform her father to go to Rainbase with her.

"Why Rainbase?" Koza asked.

"That's because Captain Ren will fight Crocodile there!" Vivi answered, riding her horse towards the capital, Alubarna.

Nami watched her surroundings without idleness, Her mission was to protect herself and the girls, She didn't trust the rebel army.

"Who is this? Wait... he's fighting Crocodile?!" Koza exclaimed in surprise.

Koza's shock and the rebel army's shock were even greater when they found out that it was the famous Black Death himself.

When did such a pirate enter the country?! And why didn't anyone know?

The journey from Katorea to the capital, Alubarna, took 4 hours. Although they went at maximum speed under the scorching heat, the distance was long.

In Alubarna.

The royal palace, King Cobra sat on his throne tensely.

"Your Majesty! The rebel army has been spotted heading towards the palace, and...Princess Vivi seems to be with them!"

"What?!" Cobra exclaimed in surprise.


[30 minutes later]

"Vivi, are you sure about this? I mean...can we trust this person?" King Cobra, who Vivi explained everything to, rode a horse and left the palace with dozens of royal guards.

"Yes! Ren-san is a reliable person!" Vivi affirmed with a determined expression, trying to hurry and see what was happening in Rainbase.

"Sigh... I'll trust your intuition, I hope we're not going from one powerful pirate's plan to an even stronger one." Cobra sighed.

"By the way, Dad... there's a condition he made to help us," Vivi said nervously.

"What is it?" Cobra didn't seem surprised, There must have been something Vivi sacrificed to get the help of such a powerful pirate; otherwise, why He would fight Crocodile without reason?

Vivi hesitated and said, "That..."

Vivi told him that he asked her to join his crew, and before Cobra could erupt and yell, she quickly told him that he wouldn't force her to board the ship if she didn't want to, which eased his anger.

But after she told him about the second condition, which was to make Alabasta under his pirate flag, Cobra screamed again that this was unacceptable.

But Vivi calmed him down, and after several attempts, Cobra calmed down and decided to talk to Ren when he arrived at Rainbase.

Nami watched the interaction between King Cobra and Vivi quietly, attentive to her surroundings in case any of them decided to attack the crew members.

Rainbase wasn't far from the capital Alubarna, There were two ways to get to Rainbase, either by crossing Sandora River or detouring around it.

King Cobra chose the second Way because they hadn't prepared the ships to cross the river, and this attracted many people's attention.

"What? The king is going to Rainbase with the rebels? Are you serious?!"

The shocking news spread across the country, and rumors spread quickly, Many people started to go and see what was happening there.

Even some individuals followed the king and the rebels' crowd.

"Your Majesty, what do we do with these people?" A soldier pointed to the people following the king.

"There's nothing we can do..."

Cobra sighed and decided to let his people follow him to see what was going on in Rainbase.

What Cobra didn't know was that among these people was a person with a straw hat with four other individuals and a small animal.

"Eh, what's happening here?" Usopp said bewildered.

"Maybe a festival?"The reindeer said, who seemed like he was melting from the heat.

"A festival?! Is there food?!" Luffy exclaimed, his tongue hanging out.

"Hahaha, your crew members are quite interesting, Luffy!" the bare-chested young man laughed.

"Hehehe, that's my crew who will defeat your crew, Ace!"




"So that's what happened," Nojiko nodded to Nami.


Suddenly, they heard a loud noise and looked towards its source, seeing Vice Admiral Doberman's chest pierced by Ren's sharp sword.

"Cough!" Doberman coughed up blood and stared at Ren with anger and shock.

"You crazy pirate..." he said tremblingly.

Ren pulled his sword out of Doberman's chest, then waved it and cut off Doberman's arm.



"Ahh! My arm!" Doberman screamed and fell to the ground, no longer screaming.

The area around them became quiet, the king and the crowd behind him froze in shock at the scene.

Luffy and his crew looked at the scene with shock and fear, They all recognized the pirate's identity!

He was the one who insulted them!

Usopp clenched his fist angrily, staring at Ren, but his fear of Ren was stronger than his anger.

Sanji also looked at Ren with anger, never forgetting the humiliation Ren inflicted on him, Even the old man Zeff bowed because of him!

Zoro and Luffy also looked at Ren with complex expressions, Chopper saw their expressions and didn't understand why they became like that.

Ace narrowed his eyes when he saw what was happening, Wasn't the Dead a Vice Admiral?

And that pirate...wasn't he the one recently appearing in the newspapers? Black Death?

"Luffy, what's wrong with you? Do you know the Black Death?" Ace asked seriously when he saw Luffy and his crew's expressions.

Luffy didn't answer because Zoro quickly spoke up: "Actually, this is a long story..."


Zoro began to explain the encounter between them and Ren, Meanwhile, Ren looked at Doberman's body, stepped on it, and held his sword in his hand.

"Your leader has fallen!"

"Surrender!" he shouted loudly, His words were enough to make the remaining Marines throw down their weapons and mourn the death of the Vice Admiral and the bitterness of defeat.

Ren looked at the surrendering Marines with satisfaction, then gave instructions to Nojiko and Mikita.

"Mikita, wake up the Baroque agents, They need to testify against Crocodile." Mikita quickly nodded and woke up the agents in a harsh way.

"And you, Nojiko, bring that female Marine commander with pink hair." Nojiko nodded and went to grab Hina who had lost consciousness.

"What do you want, pirate?!" Tashigi yelled at Ren.

"Although you defeated Crocodile, who wanted to overthrow this country and kill the ruling family, we'll not forgive you for killing the Vice Admiral!"

Her voice echoed in everyone's ears. Tashigi deliberately shouted so that everyone could hear her, This was the perfect moment to condemn crocodile!

"What did that Marine say...?"

"Did Sir Crocodile try to destroy Alabasta?"


"But the Marines said so!"

The residents discussed among themselves in shock and anger.

"This..." Koza was shocked, not only him but the entire rebel army and the crowd that followed the king. Even the king and the royal bell stared at Tashigi in astonishment.

"What do you mean, Tashigi? Hina doesn't understand."

Hina's intermittent voice came, she was imprisoned by Nojiko and was in pain from her broken bones, but that didn't stop her from wondering what Tashigi said.

When she saw the Vice Admiral had died, she knew that this mission had failed, and their lives now depended on the pirates.

Ren looked at Tashigi with satisfaction, The plan was that she would reveal the files Robin gave her, which, by the way, were now next to Ren, and then Ren would force the Baroque agents to confess.

Kaya and Lorena also went to Ren's side, Vivi was also going to go, but she saw Ren's signal to stay with her father.

Back to Tashigi, when she saw everyone staring at her after her words, she didn't flinch, took out the files, and said: "I obtained these papers condemning Crocodile! Here is evidence that he was trying to kidnap King Cobra to usurp the throne, Hina-san!"

Although it seemed like she was talking to Hina, her voice reached everyone, Shock and anger spread among the rebels and the people as Tashigi gradually revealed Crocodile's actions.

The atmosphere was gloomy, Did this mean that the king had nothing to do with this?

Nevertheless, there were still some skeptics.

At this moment, Ren grabbed Mr. 1 and Mr. 3, who woke up a while ago, and said loudly, "Quiet down here a bit, the Baroque members have something to say."


"Are they not the ones who fought the pirate a while ago?"

"Shut up and let's hear what they have to say."

Ren ignored the murmurs of the crowd, slapped Mr. 3's face, and said, "Now confess! What did Crocodile want to do in this country?"

Mr. 3 was cowardly, He wasn't ready to endure torture, so after a few more slaps, he confessed to everything!

The anger of the residents, rebels, and the king soared! Every layer of Alabasta society wanted to kill Crocodile if he wasn't standing in front of the pirates.

"Now comes the final step of the plan..." Ren thought analytically as he looked at Hina.

Ren didn't want to kill Doberman, but when he sensed his Observation Haki detecting Ace's arrival, he decided to kill him.

As long as he held Ace, the Marines wouldn't be able to resist his demand to become a warlord...

He looked at Ace, and his gaze seemed to pierce through the crowd and fall on Luffy, Ace, and the others.



Author's gossiping.

I was so busy.