[66] Rewards

[2100 Words]

Bonus chapter


The Grand Line, Paradise.

Alabasta, The royal palace.

After the initial shock, Ren informed them about his agreement with the Marines, of course, not going into all the details because Cobra was still there.

After the banquet, Ren went to his room, which Cobra had prepared for him.

The room was large, with a bed big enough for 4 people, a small desk, and an empty shelf.

Everything was simple and unpretentious, just the way Ren wanted it.

"I've got a lot of rewards this time..."

Ren couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of the rewards he had received.

He opened the notifications and eagerly examined them.


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the main mission "Defeat Crocodile" and obtaining: "Shave Scroll (medium)" + "Observation Haki Cake (low)" + "Eternal Clothes (female)"]


"Many useful things." A smile formed on Ren's face as he read the first message.

There was still more and more...

He had done a lot today, so it was worth it after all.

He didn't waste much time before reading the other messages.


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission "Defeat Warlord for the first time" and obtaining:"Moonwalk Scroll (high)" + "Finger Gun Scroll (low)" + "Magnetic Hypnosis Skill."]


Ren's eyes stopped at the Magnetic Hypnosis Skill, and a description of the skill quickly appeared.


¶[-Magnetic Hypnosis Skill: Allows the user to control a person's consciousness with just a finger snap or thought, provided that the hypnotized person is weaker than the host for the skill to succeed, The weaker the person compared to the host, the higher the success rate of hypnosis.]

¶[-Friendly Note: The hypnotized person cannot wake up from Magnetic Hypnosis unless allowed by the user.]

"Fuck...This skill really came in A good time."

Ren laughed as he thought about the Baroque agents held captive in their cells.

Then he continued reading the messages.


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission "Destroy Baroque Works Organization" and obtaining:"The third part of the treasure map."]


"Oh, I'm excited to know what's inside this treasure, I've collected all the parts now..." Ren said, then took out the final part from the Infinity space and combined it with the other two parts.

A white light spread as the three parts were assembled together, and after a few seconds, the light disappeared, and Ren saw a complete map in his hand.

The map pointed to a place Ren didn't know.

He decided he would ask Nami about it later.

¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the main mission "Defeat Ace" and obtaining:"The Super Ship"]

"This is getting interesting..." Ren looked at the message and read the description, his eyes widening in shock.

¶[-The Super Ship: It's a ship characterized by its large size. Although it looks like an ordinary large ship from the outside, it can be considered the size of a medium-sized island.]

¶[-It's made of the best types of wood, Adam Tree wood, and it can fly, It has an automatic sailing system controlled by the host or one of the crew members to whom the host has given permission.]

¶[-It has countless cannons capable of destroying ships in seconds, as well as equipped with the best available technology in this world, such as automatic opening doors, facilities equipped with surveillance cameras, spacious and large rooms, bathrooms, two giant pools, a small beach; its exterior structure is just camouflage, when entering it, a person feels as if they are in another dimension.]

"Oh shit...."

"Damn, it's really an island as Miss System said." Ren looked at the impressive ship in The Infinity Space and couldn't help but feel awe.

Compared to this ship, his current ship was...trash.

"I'm excited to see the girls' reaction, Rhahaha." Ren could only smile when he thought about the girls' expressions when they will see the ship.

But Miss System didn't finish Here:

¶[-And you can teleport to any location inside the ship with just a thought, except for personal rooms, making navigation within this giant ship so easy.]

"This holy crap is really amazing..." Ren read another message from Miss System and deepened his admiration for this mobile island.

After that, Ren read the remaining messages.

¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission "Capture Luffy" and obtaining: "Conqueror's Haki Cake (low)" + "Observation Haki Cake (medium)" + "Armament Haki Cake (low)"]

"Conqueror's Haki... Finally!" Ren smiled slowly as he saw the reward.

He didn't take out the cake and decided to consume them with the help of the system; after giving the command to Miss System, he felt a strange sensation.

A violent spiritual energy seemed to awaken from his body like a dormant volcano and began to spread in the room.

Ren shouted as the spiritual power surged out of his body, but nothing was shattered; it was just an unconscious Haki release.

Soldiers in the royal palace began to lose consciousness one after one, and Cobra also felt an invisible force pressing on him, trying to force him to submit.

"W-what's happening?!" He shouted in panic, then saw Ren's crew rushing into his room.

There were only Nami, Nojiko, and Mikita; Lorena, Kaya, and Vivi had already fainted.

After a few more seconds, Cobra also lost consciousness, The Observation Haki wave extended throughout the palace, and most of those inside fell.


In the prison, the Marines lost consciousness, except for Hina and Tashigi.

And among the Baroque agents' prisoners, none of them could withstand the Conqueror's Haki outburst and fell unconscious.

Zoro and Luffy had awakened, and when they felt the Conqueror's Haki wave, they resisted and gritted their teeth, but they didn't lose consciousness like Usopp and the others did, As for Sanji, he hadn't woken up yet.

As for Ace, who had lost his left arm and was tied up with several Sea Stone chains, he didn't seem to be affected by the Conqueror's Haki, but he had lowered his head and hadn't spoken since waking up...

In Ren's room.

When his Conqueror's Haki awakening ended, he opened his eyes and looked around.

Then he noticed some visitors with Observation Haki.

"Captain Ren! Are you alright?" Nami rushed in after sensing the strange power coming from Ren's room.

Nojiko was with her too, and they looked at Ren with relief when they saw he wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine... just awakened my Conqueror's Haki."

"Really?! That's amazing!" Nami exclaimed excitedly; of course, she knew what Conqueror's Haki was from Ren's explanation.

"Fufufu~ Does this mean you've become my King, Captain?" Nojiko said playfully and happily when she learned that he awakened Conqueror's Haki.

"No, Nojiko, it's not just yours, but mine too." Nami looked at her sister challengingly.

"Fufu, oh, what a mischievous wordplay." Nojiko looked at her sister, who gave her a challenging look with amusement.


The tense atmosphere was quickly broken by a slight cough from Ren. He looked at the girls and said, "Come here, I have a lot of surprises for you today."

"Surprises?" The girls smiled and then approached him.

Then Ren looked at the newcomer.

"kyahaha, Everything is fine, isn't it, Captain?" Mikita glanced at Nami and Nojiko, who were nestled in Ren's arms, a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Oh, Mikita, you're here, Thank you for your concern, What about joining us?" Ren looked at the blonde, who seemed shy to see him embracing Nami and Nojiko intimately.

Mikita quickly concealed her shy and hesitated upon hearing Ren's words.

'Being in the captain's embrace...'

Mikita began to imagine some strange scenarios in her mind.

Ren and his girls noticed Mikita's state, and they all thought to themselves:"This girl is thinking about something pervert!"


Ren had to deliberately cough to snap Mikita out of her daydreams.

"Come if you want," Ren gestured for her to sit with them, but not to embrace him.

Mikita felt a slight disappointment and thought, 'If he hadn't noticed my hesitation, maybe I would be in his arms now.'

She sighed and sat in front of Ren, who refrained from touching her because he sensed her hesitation.

He pushed Mikita issue to the back of his mind and continued reading the reward messages.


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the hidden mission "Defeat the Fate Crew" and obtaining: "Energy Drink (Low) × 3 + "Energy Drink (medium) × 3".]


¶[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the main mission "Defeat Vice Admiral" and obtaining: "Logia Devil Fruit, Glue Glue Fruit."]


That was the last message.

Ren had acquired a lot of things.

Surrounded by three girls, He smiled as he looked into empty space, his thoughts unknown to them, but they patiently waited.

He counted what he got, including those he consumed, and the total was:

-Armament Haki Cake (Medium), he had consumed earlier.


-Shave Scroll (Medium).

-Observation Haki Cake (Low).

-Eternal Clothes (Female).

-Moonwalk Scroll (High).

-Finger Gun Scroll (Low).

-Magnetic Hypnosis Skill.

-The third part of the treasure map.

-The Super Ship.

-Conqueror's Haki Cake (Low) he had consumed earlier.

-Observation Haki Cake (Medium).

-Armament Haki Cake (Low).

-Energy Drink (Low) × 3.

-Energy Drink (Medium) × 3.

-Logia Devil Fruit, Glue-Glue Fruit.


"What a bountiful harvest." Ren sighed contentedly.

Then he looked at Nami and Nojiko, who were comfortably nestled in his arms, He stroked their hair, then glanced at Mikita, whose cheeks were slightly flushed with embarrassment at seeing the intimate contact between him and the sisters.

This situation reminded her of the scene on the ship's deck...

"Alright, girls, it's time to distribute some prizes to you." Ren grabbed their attention, and they became excited immediately.

"But first, let's explain this chaos that happened in the palace..."

He could see with his Observation Haki that many people had lost consciousness; some were beginning to wake up while others remained unconscious.

It seems like Mikita remembered something, then she said, "By the way, Captain, what was that strong pressure earlier?"

Mikita hadn't been with Nami and Nojiko long enough to hear Ren explain about Conqueror's Haki.

"I awakened my Conqueror's Haki and recklessly unleashed it..."

"Wow... Conqueror's Haki?! That means the Captain is a king!" Mikita said in awe; perhaps a month ago, she wouldn't have known What Conqueror's Haki meant, but Nami had explained it to her, its rarity, and the power it bestowed upon its wielder.

All these things made Mikita's loyalty to Ren increase significantly; there wasn't much left for her to be 100% loyal.

Ren guessed that there was still something holding her back, perhaps her own dramatic backstory that she hadn't shared with him yet.

And so, the four individuals left Ren's room and headed to King Cobra, who had awakened a while ago, Ren explained about Conqueror's Haki to him; of course, Cobra knew what it meant and was shocked that Ren possessed it, which made him see Ren in a completely different light.

'Making Alabasta under his banner might not be a bad idea after all...' Cobra thought internally.

After swearing in his family's name not to speak about his Conqueror's Haki to anyone, Ren went to see the other crew members, who had awakened before Cobra and were still confused.

As for Cobra, Ren didn't want to hypnotize him to forget the previous Conqueror's Haki wave; there were two reasons for this.

First, he wanted to show Cobra his capabilities so that he could trust him, and second, his own Conqueror's Haki would be revealed in the future anyway, so there was no point in hiding it from him.

But this didn't stop him from hypnotizing the other soldiers; he made them forget what happened with just a snap of his fingers, They were much weaker than him after all.

"So, it was Conqueror's Haki...." Vivi said in awe.

"The power of the supreme kings..." Lorena, who was still hoping to return to Sakura Kingdom, looked at Ren in awe.

"King...it really suits Captain Ren." Kaya laughed, but then quickly frowned.

She knew that Nami and Nojiko hadn't lost consciousness after the Conqueror's Haki wave, but she did.

'I'm still too weak...'

But her thoughts were interrupted by Ren's voice: "Vivi, is there an empty training ground far from people's eyes here?"

After a brief thought, Vivi nodded and said, "Yes! I'll inform my father and see."


Author's gossiping.

If we reached 450 power stone = Bonus chapter.