[81] Road To Jaya

[2700 Words]

Bonus chapter.


The Grand Line, Paradise.

There was a strange scene unfolding in the skies of the first half of the Grand Line.

If there were any of the strong who could fly, they would be able to see a ship making its way through the sky at great speed.

Elsama moved in the sky at insane speed, "sailing" in a straight line, and its destination seemed to have already been determined.

Inside Elsama, in the dimension.

The girls returned with Ren to the modern house already, after Ren asked Nami to head towards Jaya.

Jaya is a spring island in Paradise that once resembled a skull and is much larger than it is now. It had been the home of the Shandians for 400 years, and this island is now known as a lawless area and is famous for pirates.

But Ren knows the truth about Jaya, the truth that the current shape of the island represents only half of the original island geographically as it was 400 years ago. Originally, Jaya was shaped like a skull, while the current Jaya only features the "jaw" of the skull.

Due to more than half of it being launched into the White Sea by the Knock Up Stream current, which was made possible by seismic activity that shattered the island's crust, only the part consisting of the skull's mouth remains.

The Shandia civilization once lived in Jaya, but they and their legendary city were fired upon in the sky next to Upper Yard.

Ren's goal was the missing part of Jaya Island from 400 years ago, which is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

There were many benefits he could reap from this journey, as war approached, he needed more winning cards to survive there; he didn't want to find himself in a precarious position that would lead to his death.

Ren knew that the Whitebeard might focus on him in the upcoming war, not just Whitebeard, but also his crew and allies.

This did not happen to Teach in the OG because he did not participate in the war from the beginning and came late, but Ren doesn't want to lose his position as a Warlord, so he will be present from the beginning.

So he targeted that person on the Sky Island, a foolish person but his Devil Fruit was powerful; Ren was lucky that this person who posed as a god didn't know how to use Haki.

So Ren only needed to be a little cautious of the Rumbling fruit's power, and everything would be fine.


"Are you okay now, Lorena?" Ren looked at the blue-haired girl with a slight smile on his face; Vivi had stayed at home to take care of her while Nami explained the ship and its abilities earlier.

"Yes, thank you for your concern, Ren-san." Lorena nodded and felt warmth seeing that everyone was worried about her, even Zala and Robin, who hadn't known her for long, cared about her safety.

'I want to stay here...' Lorena thought to herself; she wanted to stay and continue sailing with Ren and the others; in fact, she wanted Ren to take a long time before going to West Blue and taking her back to her kingdom.

"Just let me know if you need anything." Ren gently tapped her shoulder, making Lorena feel even warmer.

All the girls were home now, so Nami took this opportunity to show off Elsama's extraordinary abilities to Lorena and Vivi, who hadn't seen it before; Ren enjoyed their shocked reactions and soft screams.

"There's something I need to tell you all." Ren's voice caught the attention of all the girls, making them alert and focused.

"Tell us, Captain~ Is it about our journey to Jaya?" Nami said sweetly, with a small smile on her lips as she stared at Ren.

The rest of the girls listened eagerly to know the reason for their journey to Jaya.

Ren hadn't told them the purpose of this journey yet, but they didn't wonder because they knew naturally that Ren would explain later.

"Yes, you all know the story of the infamous liar Noland right?" He looked at the girls.

"Yeah it's a famous story after all." Nojiko said calmly.

"Noland's famous lying story always used his name and put it under the 'lie' category, so I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know it." Nami put her hand on her chin and said.

"Jaya was the main place in the famous lying Noland's story, does this have anything to do with our journey to That place?" Robin focused on the connection between Jaya and Noland and asked with some doubt.

"Kyahahaha~ Are we going to loot the city of gold or what? Just kidding." Mikita laughed.

As the rest of the girls expressed their knowledge of Noland's story, Noland was extremely famous, but... negatively.

Ren sighed as he remembered the flashback he read and how the existence of the city of gold as claimed by Noland was clarified, but due to an unexpected accident, it rose to the Sky Island.

400 years of mockery and a bad reputation about Noland's name cannot be erased unless many people see the city of gold on the Sky Island and spread the truth.

But that is unlikely to happen, so Noland's name will remain registered in black history.

A small smile formed on his face when he heard what Mikita said; he wanted to say, 'No, you're not joking; we're actually going to loot the golden City.' But he liked to maintain an element of surprise and wanted to see the girls' reactions.

He proceeded to tell them about the truth behind the incident that led to half of Jaya Island rising into the sky and disappearing from the sight of the Blue Sea inhabitants, but he wouldn't delve into whether the golden City existed or not; he'd let them discover it themselves.

He looked at Robin; this beautiful woman was intelligent enough to make some assumptions and guesses, and Ren liked smart women...

Robin noticed Ren's hot gaze on her and felt some embarrassment that she didn't show openly. She thought to herself, 'So Captain Ren likes mature women? Fufufu~' But she quickly sighed with embarrassment, pushing away the strange thoughts from her head. Luckily, Ren's voice came, distracting her from her embarrassment.

"You're right, Robin. So let me tell you all now about the truth of Jaya Island that no one knows."

"What? What truth?" Zala said in confusion.

"Do you know everything, Captain?"

Nami put her hand on her chin and asked him; she knew that the mystery of half of Jaya Island disappearing had never been solved; everyone agreed it either wasn't there from the beginning or sank into the sea.

But since Ren said he knew the truth, then he must. She knew Ren had extensive knowledge about various things in this world.

Such thoughts crossed all the girls' minds, even Robin's heart fluttered at the thought of discovering the mystery of Jaya Island that had puzzled people for centuries. As an archaeologist and history enthusiast, the missing Jaya Island had great historical value, and no doubt it was filled with ancient artifacts, right?

And if the golden City did exist...No, something as fantastical as that couldn't be true.

These thoughts passed through Robin's mind in just a few seconds; soon Ren's voice came, making them all widen their eyes in shock.

"In fact, the second section of Jaya Island rose into the sky." He said that and pointed his index finger to the ceiling of the house.


A strange silence fell over the house after Ren's words came out, and it seemed the girls were still processing the ironclad information.

"What?!" Vivi was the first to react, followed by a series of different reactions.

"It rose into the sky? How..." Mikita pondered.

"So, is the golden City currently in the sky?" Nami said; if it still existed from the past, she would be extremely excited to go there and find out the truth about the golden City, but now, not so much. Now she was more interested in Ren's well-being; it was her duty to make sure he didn't feel bored, sad, or annoyed; only Ren mattered, nothing else in this life...

'Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren Ren....'

Nami repeated her beloved's name in her mind without reason...

[Master, I smell yandere.]

'What? Are you a dog?' Ren smiled upon seeing the system notification and quickly refocused on the girls, ignoring Miss System's insults now.

"How did this happen exactly, Ren-san?" Lorena asked softly.

Before Ren could answer, Robin spoke up with some hesitation: "I have a theory about this..."

In fact, Robin wouldn't have come up with such a theory if Ren hadn't said that the second Jaya was in the sky; she believed him without doubt. Ren had never been wrong in any of his information, and thinking about his knowledge about Jaya Island, she came up with a bold theory.

"A theory? Tell us Robin!" Mikita smiled.

"Fufu~ It's great to be smart, isn't it?" Nojiko said, looking at Robin.

"Come on, Robin, don't tease us more!" Nami pouted lightly, but in Robin's eyes, that pout was extremely endearing.

When she saw everyone waiting for her to speak, she looked at Ren, who was smiling while staring at her, and a slight blush appeared on her face.

Why did the captain continue to look at her with such wonderful gazes? Oh... why were his eyes so beautiful?

"Tell us about your theory." Ren said.

"Well, Captain~" Robin smiled lightly when she heard Ren.

She took a deep breath and began to say: "I think that the Knock Up Stream is the reason why the second half of Jaya Island rose into the sky."

"What's that? Knock Up Stream." The girls wondered while Ren remained silent.

Robin didn't leave them hanging and continued her speech: "The Knock Up Stream is a known periodic event that occurs near Jaya, consisting of a massive water eruption that reaches into the sky, and scientists have conducted many studies on this phenomenon and found that it's due to seismic activity that breaks the island's crust."

"So, I assume that the giant Knock Up Stream could have caused the missing half of Jaya to rise into the sky!"

"This is extremely surreal and unbelievable, but this is just my theory."


After Robin finished speaking, she looked at the shocked girls and remained silent. Then she glanced at Ren, who didn't seem shocked by her words. Did she guess correctly?

"Wow..." Zala opened her mouth in shock.

"An island ascending into the sky with the help of something called Knock Up Stream... That's unbelievable!" Vivi wasn't different from Zala and was also shocked.

"If Robin's theory is correct, then it explains why no traces of the missing half of Jaya were found after searching the depths of the sea." Nojiko analyzed Robin's theory.

Over the course of 400 years of the disappearance of that part of Jaya Island, many exploratory missions had arrived and searched the ocean floor for any evidence confirming the existence of the golden City, but all their efforts ended in failure, they found nothing, so it was confirmed that Noland was a liar.

If Robin didn't know about the Knock Up Stream because she loves reading various types of books, and she had read many books in the Tree of Knowledge when she was young, and if she didn't trust Ren, she wouldn't have come up with such a theory.

"Your words are true, Robin. Well done." Ren praised her sincerely, earning him a light chuckle from her.

"Fufufu~ All thanks to the captain." She laughed, then paused for a moment and said, "So, does this mean Noland wasn't lying, huh..?"

"The captain didn't say that the golden City exists, he explained the strange shape of Jaya Island on the maps. It was as if it was split into many lands that seemed to have disappeared suddenly, but after Robin's explanation, everything became logical... So, what about the golden City, Captain? Is it real?" Nami looked at Ren and asked.

All the girls were eagerly waiting for what Ren would say, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Vivi, Zala, Robin, Mikita, Lorena.

He looked at the beautiful girls in front of him and could see their enthusiastic expressions, although some tried to hide it, it was futile.


He coughed deliberately and then said with a smile, "Who knows?"


"That's not fair, Captain!" Zala exclaimed in frustration.

"Yes Yes!" Kaya agreed and felt sad because her excitement had collapsed.

"Tell us, please!" Lorena cried like a little child.

"Kyahahaha, the captain loves teasing us~" Mikita looked at the disappointed girls and laughed.

"Fufufu~ I expected something like this to happen." Robin sighed; the captain didn't deny or confirm the existence of the golden City, so there was a good chance it was real. She was excited to study the ancient artifacts there.

Luckily for Robin, she would see something better than artifacts in the Upper Yard.

"The captain is wonderful, breaking the hearts of beautiful girls♡⁠~... And there's no need to be sad; we just have to make sure of the truth of the golden City ourselves~" Nojiko looked at Ren with hearts in her eyes.

"Exactly, and I'm excited to draw a map of the missing part of Jaya and match it with the current Jaya... there's also the golden City; I really want to know how a whole city made of gold could be built." Nami put her hand on her chin and spoke thoughtfully, entering her cartography and map-drawing persona.

'These girls...' A small smile formed on Ren's lips, and it quickly disappeared. He really loved watching their reactions to his words.

Suddenly, he received a notification from the system, pulling him out of his thoughts.

[Ding! Does the master want to extract the Logia-type fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit from Crocodile's body?]


Ren chuckled quietly and said mentally, "Yes."

[The Logia-type Devil Fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit, has been added to The Infinity Space.]

'It seems that the poison I gave to Crocodile has finally killed him. The plan was successful.'

When Ren defeated Crocodile in his own casino, he injected a needle into his body. Since then, Crocodile hadn't woken up, and the poison was slowly killing him. If he hadn't been a Logia user and trained his body well, he would have died on the first day, but the poison needed about a week to take effect.

'No doubt Crocodile died in his cell in Level Six of Impel Down. It will take some time for someone to notice that he died, and even if they do, it doesn't matter. The poison is designed to dissolve his body after killing him, leaving no traces...'

'I should give Kaya a gift since she managed to develop such poison with the Poison Guide I gave her. Maybe Magellan Devil Fruit would be a suitable gift?' A wicked smile formed on his face when he thought about the Poison Man.


And in a place far away from Elsama, a huge man trembled as he sat on a mobile toilet.

"What is this feeling?"


Then he quickly felt discomfort in his bowels and returned to calm himself.


Elsama continued to soar at an extremely high speed, leaving behind a deafening sound. The gray-white barrier protected the outer structure of the ship from the winds, and the ship encountered no problems. It ascended to a very high altitude and swiftly pierced through the clouds towards its destination.

The pirates on Jaya Island had no idea that the Grim Reaper was approaching to harvest their souls.


Author's gossiping.

In the next chapters Jaya will be on fire..

[MC's Pic (So u don't forget his appearance)]

[Lorena's New Pic]

1400 PS= Bonus chapter.

2000 PS= Bonus chapter.