[90] Fall of God [2]

[2200 Words]


The Grand Line, Paradise.

Skypiea, In the upper Yard.


The lightning dragon struck Ren, causing the surrounding areas to explode and spreading fires amidst the burning trees.

Enel smirked wickedly as he witnessed the scene, exhausted to the point of forgetting to activate his own mantra. He had used his demonic fruit power excessively today, making it difficult for him to read the electrical waves in the air.

"Why are you smiling?" A cold voice emerged from the smoke as Enel gazed at Ren, whose clothes were slightly burnt, the upper part of his attire spoiled, but quickly fixed by Ren himself.

Enel could see Ren's blackened body returning to its normal state, while his burnt clothes reverted to their original condition.

"Shit!" Enel cursed loudly, on the verge of fleeing. Escaping this monster, he would take his ship and leave this place!

But to his misfortune, he wasn't given that chance. Ren appeared before him swiftly, using Shave to transform Versa into an iron club.


Enel's body was thrown backward several meters, the ground shattered from the impact as he fell, coughing up blood.

All the spectators watched with various expressions. Among Ren's crew, the girls looked at him with confidence, pride, and admiration.

Conis sighed with relief, suppressing the shock in her eyes. She had witnessed the supposedly invincible god being struck down to the point of displaying expressions of horror.

"W-wow!" Gan Fall exclaimed with shock and joy. Could this be the end of the tyrannical god's reign that lasted for six years finally?

But what if the one who defeated him is worse...

What will they do? Resist? They didn't even dare to resist Enel, let alone the one who struck him down like a child.

Gan Fall shook his head, trying not to be pessimistic.

"Too powerful!" Raki looked at the battle, or rather, the "bullying," with wide eyes. Was this person playing with Enel like this? She swore she saw the terrifying god's expressions turn to horror and shock before being pitifully struck down.

"Blue-haired oni-tchan is amazing!" Aisa cheered, standing naturally among Ren's crew. No one on this island liked Enel, except for the army of God led by the four priests, who had already been dealt with.

Braham, Kamakiri, and Genbo watched the battle in shock. At this rate, this person didn't need their help, right? So they could only watch from afar as he defeated him, then demand their land back afterward, right?

'I just hope he isn't like Enel,'

Kamakiri thought in his mind, but in the next moment, he saw the blue-haired man turn towards him, look at him briefly, and then... smile? Why?

But immediately after... his eyes went blank.

"Attack Enel with me! Kill him to reclaim Shandora's light!"


The warriors of Shandia were confused by Kamakiri's sudden outburst, but the next moment, they attacked with him without hesitation, all aiming their weapons at Enel.

He had already risen and escaped from Ren to a safe distance, or rather, Ren allowed him to escape. He still had his role to play.

"Fire!!" Kamakiri commanded, but the stiffness in his eyes didn't change. No one noticed his strange condition; his voice remained normal, seeming excited to kill the enemy.





Dozens of bullets and shells pierced Enel's body, but they passed through him without causing harm. A long spear even pierced his head, but Enel just smiled, unharmed.

But he was annoyed, extremely annoyed. Ren had already angered him by striking him badly and not even allowing him to rest. And now, these ants came out of nowhere and dared to attack him?

He gritted his teeth in anger, then the drums sounded behind him.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Raki screamed, not understanding what these men were doing. Eneel was already on the verge of defeat, why risk their lives at this time? It was completely meaningless!

She didn't attack with them because she was protecting Aisa and couldn't approach the enemy during the process as a little girl. Nor could she leave her alone because Aisa said the remnants of God's army were coming.


"God's Lightning: God's Judgment!"


Enel screamed madly, while Ren watched the scene coldly. In the next moment, the Eastern Lightning Dragon emerged again, heading towards Kamakiri and the remaining warriors.


"Save me!"


The warriors of Shandia screamed as the lightning dragon passed through them, burning and piercing their bodies. Several warriors were killed in an instant while the rest fled.

Braham looked at all this in horror, suddenly regretting obeying Kamakiri's order to attack. He thought Eneel no longer had the power for such an attack, but it turned out he was wrong.

Genbo felt the same way, but what was strange was that Kamakiri's expression remained unchanged; his eyes stayed fixed.

In the next moment, Kamakiri grabbed his dagger and stabbed towards Enel, but the latter scoffed and seized his golden staff, transforming it into a trident.



Enel sliced Kamakiri's body in half in an instant, the hot blades of the trident piercing his body and shattering his spine.

Enel didn't mind the blood on his face or his lethal trident; he swiftly pierced Brighum's head with elegance. He used every bit of his remaining physical strength to eliminate these ants.

Since I'm going to die, why not take some of them with me?

With these thoughts in his mind, Enel pulled the trident from Braham's head and turned to the other warrior, Genbo. In the next moment, he thrust the trident into Genbo's abdomen until it emerged from the other side.

Enel lifted Genbo's body suspended on the trident in the air, gazed at Genbo's pained expression, and grinned madly before slamming his body on the ground, turning his head into a pile of flesh and blood.

These attacks happened in mere seconds; Raki couldn't even react to seeing the tribe's strongest members being slaughtered like sheep, while Aisa screamed and covered her eyes in horror.

"Hahaha..." Enel laughed maniacally, seeming to have lost his mind. He glanced at Raki, who wasn't far from him. The rest of Shandia's warriors had fled in fear upon witnessing Enel's madness, so Raki was his next target.

Quickly, he moved his exhausted body towards her while holding his blood-stained trident.


He struck quickly towards her; Aisa cried as she watched the trident that was about to sever Raki's head.

Raki couldn't even react; she froze in place while her brain tried to urge her to resist, but under Eneel's madness, who was exhaling his last breath, her weak resistance was futile.

Raki closed her eyes, resigned to her fate. Her only regret was Aisa; this little girl would become alone.


But she heard the sound of metal clashing. She slowly opened her eyes to see a tall man with blue hair holding the trident from its blade with his hand covered in black. He smiled.

"Step back, miss," he said with a deep voice, sending a shiver down Raki's spine. It wasn't a tremor of fear; it was safety and relief... She remembered that she was saved; she wouldn't die today.

She stepped back a few steps as she looked at Ren, while Aisa was extremely happy and went to hug her, tears in her eyes.

"I'm here, Aisa, I won't go anywhere."

Ren ignored the emotional scene happening behind him and made his move.


He didn't hesitate and filled his hand with his weapon, then used all his physical strength to strike Enel's chest.


"Oh... cough..." Enel looked at Ren with wide eyes; fear, hatred, and anger could be seen in his expression.

Ren's hand had pierced his chest and reached his heart; Eneel knew he would die without a doubt after a minute or so.

But Ren didn't stop there; he pulled out his blood-stained hand and grabbed Versa, which was still in the form of an iron staff, and struck Eneel again.



The sound of bones breaking could be heard as the staff hit Enel's chest again. His chest recoiled inward, and broken bones protruded from their place.

Enel was sent flying like a broken paper airplane a few meters from his original position. He fell to the ground with a loud thud.

But this time... he didn't get up again.

"Ah..." Enel gathered all his remaining strength and let out a helpless and sad sigh.

He stared at the sky of the upper yard with blurry eyes.

Clouds began to gather on the horizon, and soon rain poured down on Enel, who was breathing his last breath.

Ren stared at this scene in silence, then approached Enel and sat in front of him. Eneel didn't react, no, he wasn't able to.

He stared at the sky as if he could recall a very old memory.


[30 years ago]


In an island in the sky called Berka, a typical scene took place in one of the narrow and hidden streets.

"Hit him harder!"

"Why don't you have wings?!"

"He must be some kind of monster!"

"Did you bring the sewage water, Roksha? Pour it on him!"

Five young children could be seen surrounding a seven-year-old boy, who had blonde hair and long pointed ears, much longer than an ordinary person's.

He suffered a brutal beating while receiving insults; he was always subjected to racism in this place.

Just because he didn't have wings like everyone else, just because he didn't have normal ears like everyone else.

The child Enel closed his eyes and cried silently while enduring the pain and the dirty fluids he was soaked in.

After a while, the children left after they got tired of beating him. Eneel left the narrow alley and was looked at with disgust by the adults.

"Go and bathe, your smell is disgusting," one of the women said, changing her path when she saw him standing in the street.

"Someone throw him somewhere!"

In no time, Enel found himself being chased away from the street.

"Dammit!" he cursed loudly, before deciding to go and clean himself in one of the rivers.

He headed to Berka Forest, and then found the great Monzõ River that spread throughout Berka and bathed in the cold water.

He gritted his teeth as he resisted the cold, removed his dirty clothes, and washed them to wear them again.

"I need to find another set of clothes," Enel sighed when he saw the state of his clothes, torn everywhere and with dirt stains that couldn't be washed out.

After cleaning himself, he didn't leave the forest. This was where he lived, after all.

He had no family; his father had died from a chronic illness when he was four, while his mother left him to go with her new husband because he asked her to.

He walked a little into the forest, seeming to have a specific destination in mind. After a few minutes, he arrived at a rundown wooden house.

"Oh! How are you, Maxim? Did you miss me?" he laughed as he looked at his pet.

"Meow~!" A meow came from the cat's mouth, indicating its longing for its owner.

Since Enel rescued this cat a year ago, it became his only family. He took care of it and provided it with food by fishing and hunting small animals like rabbits. He lived his life in the forest, so Enel naturally knew how to avoid dangerous areas.

Time passed, days turned into weeks, weeks into months and years.


[After 4 years]


13-year-old Einil looked at his cat's body, silent tears streaming down his cheeks.

"This Fucking creature deserves what happened to it. How dare it scratch my foot? I am a priest of the god!" A grown man wearing white clothes and holding a spear laughed.

The spear was still dripping blood, indicating that he was the one who caused the hole in the cat's body.

Enel carried his cat's body and left for the forest without uttering a word.

"Someday, I'll leave for Fairy Vearth, Maxim! I promise!"

He buried his cat's body, tears still flowing from his eyes.


[After 24 years]


Enel grew up and became a man, but the coldness and madness in his eyes grew stronger.

"With this, I will change everything!"

He looked at the strange yellow fruit in his hand that he found in the forest.

'It's likely that this is the Devil Fruit that grants supernatural divine abilities!' Without hesitation, he took a bite of it.





Thunder spread in the sky and struck the civilians' houses in Perkan. No one survived, whether old or young, man or woman, sick or healthy; the thunder struck everything.

The Army of God, consisting of more than 50 people, looked at this scene with wide eyes. They admired the power of their leader!

"Let's find another land!"

Enel shouted, not casting another glance at the burning Perka.


[Returning to the present.]

"Fairy Vearth... Maxim.."

Enel murmured weakly and quietly. He raised his hand to the cloudy sky, unaffected by the raindrops falling on the ugly wound in his chest.

Then, after a second, his arm fell as if it had lost all strength.

Enel had died.


Author's gossiping.

Poor Enel.

1400 PS = Bonus chapter.

2000 PS = Bonus chapter.