[102] Preparation

[2700 Words]


"Consume this roll now and let's see to what extent your control over the power of the Thunder Fruit will reach," Ren glanced at Nami. The latter was gazing at the destruction caused by her thunderous lightning strike in the sea.

She turned towards him, then nodded with a slight smile on her face. Under Ren's and all the girls' eyes, she consumed a Devil Fruit Mastery Scroll (medium).

In the next moment, Nami felt her control over the lightning power in her body deepening. It seemed that her ability to control lightning had multiplied several times compared to before.

She even thought of several different attacks with different forms and destructive power. This Devil Fruit Mastery Scroll had been very useful to her, and she felt great confidence in her new strength.

"Haah..." She took a deep breath before opening her eyes again and looking at Ren.

She smiled and said gratefully, "Thanks for the gifts as always, Captain Ren~"

"I told you there's no need to thank me, now show us what you can do... and try not to destroy this island." Ren smiled back at her, feeling that the aura surrounding her had changed... She had become strong, strong enough to compete with him.

Of course, this was thanks to her power in the Devil Fruit. She still lacked physical strength compared to him, so he was confident in his ability to defeat her in physical combat, and in a comprehensive battle as well.

He also had his winning cards; he still had rewards he hadn't opened yet, having done so with Conis, Angela, and Angelina.

Ren snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Nami nod to him and head towards the sea in front of her before raising her hand into the air and forming a spear of pure blue lightning.



The distinct and unique sound of lightning was heard by all the girls as well as Ren. The girls watched in awe and shock at the size of the spear, which seemed to grow gradually above Nami's hand.

After several seconds, the spear stopped growing when it reached a length of 10 meters.




Behind the spear, a thunderous sound was heard as it struck the sea after Nami's gesture. The spear easily pierced through the sea waters, harvesting the lives of the sea creatures there before creating a massive wave due to its powerful impact.




"That was an amazing attack!"

"Good strike, Nami!"

"If that spear hit me, I'd be dead~"

The girls left various comments after Nami's attack ended, while Mikita remained silent, but the dread could be seen in her eyes; she was shocked.

"That was a good move; I bet the impact would have been greater if the spear hadn't been directed towards the sea." Ren finally spoke, so everyone fell silent and listened to his words.

"Hehehe~ I can do more than that... but this doesn't seem like a good space to experiment with it." Nami looked into the distance and said with a small smile.

"Indeed, but we have plenty of time for that. By the way, have you decided on a name for that previous attack?" After Ren's response, it seemed that Nami was in deep thought, not just her but the rest of the girls as well; they all wanted to come up with a good name.

After several minutes, it seemed that Ren's patience ran out before he gave in and smiled sarcastically, "Well... I have a suitable name here."

"What is it, Captain?" Nami asked after Ren's voice brought her out of her deep thoughts.

"The captain is always good at inventing names!" Vivi nodded her head; she also failed to suggest a good name.

"I'm curious to know!" Robin smiled lightly.

"What do you think of Thor's Spear?"

"Thor's Spear... That's a good name!" Nami nodded in approval, seeming to like the name.

After that, Nami tried to merge her lightning with her sword techniques. What surprised Ren was that he found her speed to be higher than Enel's when she moved in this way, although the difference was slight, he could still notice it.

Then she tried melting metals with the heat derived from the Devil Fruit and succeeded. She also managed to reshape these metals into any shape she wanted.

Ren looked at Nami, who returned to his side after transforming into lightning and moving at a very high speed, and then said, "Do you feel that you can merge your lightning with your sword techniques?"

Immediately after his words, the girls began to discuss what he said and how it was a great idea, and the person concerned with all this, Nami, finally opened her mouth, "I'll try to do that, although I don't think my sword can withstand the lightning."

"No problem, I can try that with a temporary sword." Ren said and took out Versa from The Infinity Space.

"Alright, Captain!" Nami headed straight to the center of the island with Versa in her hand, followed by Ren and the rest of the girls.

Versa's weight wasn't great, and Nami's physical strength wasn't to be underestimated, so she didn't have any problems carrying it.

"Hoof..." She took a deep breath, then in the next moment, she tightened her grip on the sword handle and slashed it through the air.


A blue electrical energy emerged in the sword's blade and merged with the power of the blood metal to form a destructive energy blade.



Nami cut through the trees in the forest where she currently was, while Ren and the girls watched from the side, and the sword's blade cut through the branches and burned them easily.


The cut trees fell to the ground as the long blade passed by them. The length of the blade was approximately 8 meters, adorned with red and blue colors that indicated the blood metal and the devil fruit, Einher.


"I didn't think devil fruits could be utilized in this way..."

"Now Nami's power with the sword has become even more terrifying!"

Ren ignored the girls' comments beside him and went to Nami, who quickly handed him Versa. He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her, saying, "I trust you can do even more once you get used to the power of the devil fruit, Nami."

Nami was delighted to hear his praise. A sweet smile formed on her beautiful face before she replied, "I won't disappoint you, Captain!"

"That's good. Now, strengthen your Haki. You have the Haki cakes I gave you yesterday, right?"

Nami nodded before going to Nojiko, taking something from her pocket, and showing it to Ren. "Here they are."

"Great. Consume them now, Nojiko and Mikita too." Ren looked at the three girls he mentioned and asked them to eat the Haki cakes.

"Sure thing, Captain!" Nami expressed her excitement.

"I've always found the taste of these cakes delicious," Nojiko smiled lightly before eating the cake piece by piece.

"..." Mikita didn't respond, but she didn't ignore Ren's request and also ate the cake.

"Fufufu~, I envy you, girls," Robin looked at them and expressed her envy.

Kaya looked at her gently and nodded, "Although I don't like battles and fighting, I also want to become stronger."

"A strong kingdom must have a strong queen, so I must become that queen!" Vivi tightened her fist, seeming concerned about the future, seeing her friends becoming stronger while she remained unchanged.

"Sigh... Don't forget that the Captain also gave us rewards," Zala sighed with a fake smile and showed a roll with "Shave" written on it as a reminder.

"That's right, girls. Don't forget that I also gave you your rewards, so go ahead and consume them," Ren intervened upon hearing their conversation.

They nodded directly and started consuming what Ren gave them.

First, Ren gave Robin a low-level energy drink to enhance her physical strength. He originally had three of these drinks, and after completing the tasks of this journey, he got three more, which means he now has six. After Robin drank one, there were five left.

Kaya, Zala, and Vivi followed Robin's lead and also drank the energy drink.

Lorena wasn't part of the crew yet, so she couldn't consume these items. The girl contented herself with silence, watching the girls' reactions while occasionally chuckling and commenting.

The girls sighed as they began to feel the significant changes happening in their bodies. They felt their strength exploding and reaching new levels.

"In fact, this feeling of power is very good," Vivi tightened her fist with a small smile on her face.

"Fufufu~, I'm addicted to this," Robin laughed flirtatiously as she looked at Ren.

"I never imagined that my body could become this powerful... and I'm sure this is just the beginning," Zala expressed her joy with a trembling voice.

"In fact, this isn't bad at all," Kaya smiled warmly.

The matter wasn't over yet. They still had Scrolls of Shave and Moonwalk, four of each kind.

Nojiko and Mikita already had Shave and Moonwalk, while Nami only had Shave. So Ren decided to give Nami one of the four Scrolls of Moonwalk he obtained today.

Ren chose to give Nami the Moonwalk Scroll that belonged to Kaya. The latter didn't object and just smiled. She knew that Nami was a key force in their pirate crew and considered a priority in such matters.

Moreover, she was a doctor and preferred to spend her time discovering medicines for chronic diseases rather than fighting and killing on the battlefield.

Everything went smoothly after that. Robin, Vivi, and Zala consumed Moonwalk and Shave Scroll, while Kaya got only one Shave Scroll.

Along with the energy drinks that enhanced their physical strength, it could be said that the girls' power reached a whole new level far from their initial weakness.

As for the other crew members, namely Nojiko, Nami, and Mikita, Nami finally got a Moonwalk Scroll and learned this skill, in addition to learning Armament Haki and Observation Haki to a moderate level by all three of them. They became a cornerstone and foundation of the Sin Pirates alongside Ren.




Several hours passed since then, and the girls were adapting to their new strength.

They hadn't left Elsama yet and spent their time on the mid-sized island or on the beach doing whatever they wanted.

Ren was with Vivi somewhere on the beach of the island, and they were currently alone.

"I still have something for you, Princess~"

"Hmmm...~ I wonder what it is, Captain?" The girl smiled playfully upon hearing his mysterious tone and seemed excited for the reward.

"Here we go."

Ren waved into the void, and it seemed like it was being broken. In the next moment, a Devil Fruit appeared in his hand.

"A Devil Fruit?!" Vivi looked at the fruit in Ren's hand eagerly. Since the captain decided to give her a Devil Fruit, there was no doubt he had thought carefully about one that suited her. She truly wondered about its type.

"Yes, guess what type it is?" Ren wanted to play more with her.

"Come on, just tell me." She pouted gently and pretended to be grumpy.

Suna Suna no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into sand at will, turning the user into a sand-human.

This Devil Fruit resembles a spherical cactus with two short arms pointing upward, with a swirling pattern on it. It has a green, T-shaped stem protruding from the top of the fruit...the right side of the stem is longer and slightly curved.

[Image Here]

In fact, this Devil Fruit is powerful and has many abilities and uses. Besides forming and controlling sand in large quantities, users of this Devil Fruit have immunity to ordinary attacks like all Logia-type Devil Fruit users.

Users can allow physical attacks and non-Seastone projectiles to pass through their bodies to prevent damage, or fly by transforming the lower part of their bodies into jets of flowing sand, providing them with a huge advantage in defense and mobility during combat or pursuit.

Additionally, creating sand grants the user diverse offensive capabilities; the user can create blades of sand in various shapes and sizes, large sandstorms that can travel long distances, and even whirlpools that trap and pull opponents underground...

These techniques are further enhanced in terms of power and range in a desert environment, where sand is plentiful and can be mixed with the user's sand to increase the range of attacks.

In addition to basic elemental control, the Devil Fruit exhibits a unique additional ability: fluid absorption, allowing the user to dry out anything they touch and even extend the mentioned effect to their immediate surroundings, leading to drying out vast areas of land like drought.

Usually, this ability poses a threat to the lives of any living beings, causing plants, animals, or people to suffer from dehydration, in addition to converting mineral matter into more sand particles for the user to manipulate.

By the way, this means that the user is also immune to caves, as they can easily escape from underground by turning themselves and the solid rocks around them into sand.

Moreover, the user of this Devil Fruit can detect other substances within a mass of sand, such as underground rivers, and use them to their advantage by creating mobile sand traps. Suna Suna no Mi is one of the few Logia-type fruits that can naturally counter its weakness, and its power becomes stronger in desert areas where water is almost absent.

"But this Devil Fruit has a weakness..." Ren continued his explanation. Vivi was surprised to learn that the Devil Fruit he planned to give her was the same one that belonged to Crocodile. Nevertheless, she easily agreed.

Especially when she heard about the power of this Devil Fruit from Ren's explanation.

No wonder Crocodile was so powerful! Especially in a desert country like Alabasta, which is considered a favorite fighting ground for Sand Logia users.

"The main weakness of this Logia power lies in exposure to liquids: specifically, the user's sand turns into a solid substance upon contact with liquids, such as water or blood."

"This prevents the sand from dispersing and thus temporarily cancels the user's intangibility (according to the concept of wet sand sticking together due to surface tension). However, this aspect of the Devil Fruit's power seems inconsistent regarding the type of liquid used and how it comes into contact with the user."

Ren recalled his photographic memory and summoned the fight between Crocodile and Luffy.

He remembered that Luffy had bitten Crocodile while he was wet from the water but did not suffer any harm from the water or Luffy's saliva. And on one occasion, he also turned into sand when Vivi attacked him, even though he had been drinking alcohol moments before, meaning that exposure must be external to interfere with his elemental transformation.

After finishing his explanation, he looked at Vivi, who seemed eager to seize the fruit immediately and eat it, then asked, "So, what do you think? Do you want to accept this power?"

"Of course I do!"

"So it's yours." He smiled reassuringly before placing the fruit in her hand and then left, leaving behind a few words.

"Train well with it, and I'll come back later to see how you've progressed."

"Goodbye, Captain!" She waved to him with a smile on her beautiful face.


'I didn't expect Mikita to find me sleeping last night,' Ren sighed as he recalled the information Robin had told him.

Robin had woken up last night and wanted to go out for some fresh air, but she stopped in her tracks when she heard someone crying, which turned out to be Mikita.

Robin used her devil fruit ability and heard Mikita saying something about "random sluts" and "I hate you " and "I love you."

It didn't take extraordinary intelligence to figure out what was happening, so Robin quickly deduced what had happened and told Ren when she had the chance.

He was going to talk to the blonde girl.

Maybe it was time to please her? At least verbally.


Author's gossiping.

The final university exams have started, so updates may slow down.