[118] Whitebeard's Anger

[2500 Words]


In Marineford.

The dust still enveloped the area where Vista was located, obscuring everyone's vision. However, the sounds alone were enough for those who witnessed the battle between Nami and Vista to understand what had transpired. The lightning struck before the sound of thunder, tearing through the sky, its reflection visible in the fighters' eyes. Vista, who did not easily accept defeat, was kneeling on one knee, clutching his cracked swords!

Blood dripped from his lips, and his eyes narrowed in pain, while Nami stood before him, her sword wrapped in blue lightning as she glared at him with a chilling look. The cruelty of the lightning witnessed by everyone on the battlefield left no room for doubt; this was not the same weak, cowardly woman from the past. Nami, wielding the power of the Goro Goro no Mi, was undergoing a terrifying transformation.

With a cold smile, she said, "I thought a swordsman of your experience could handle this... It seems I was wrong, or I overestimated your strength, as I managed to defeat you after just two months of practicing swordsmanship." It seemed she said the last part to provoke Vista.

Vista was in a pitiful state at that moment. A large bloody wound stood out on his broad chest, now exposed due to the tearing of his clothes from the force of the lightning. Vista gasped for air, trying to rise and continue fighting, but his eyes widened when he heard what Nami said.

"Two months?!" he shouted in disbelief. How could he believe that the woman in front of him had only started learning swordsmanship two months ago? This was a huge joke! Nami's movements suggested years of experience and training! Every movement and swing of her sword aimed for one goal: the annihilation of the enemy. Moreover, she moved in a way that made Vista question how he had never heard of such a skilled swordswoman before. How did she suddenly appear out of nowhere with all this power? She was just like her captain... the Black Death, Ren.

But now, after hearing Nami's words, Vista's previously bewildering questions had been answered.

Despite his shock, he was not in a position to dwell on such matters right now. Nami's last attack had nearly cost him his life, and he had barely escaped. He did not want to die—not now; he had a mission to rescue Ace, and he did not want to die before completing it.


Suddenly, he heard Nami's voice, sending shivers down his spine. He felt the intense aura of death approaching him. Vista raised his swords, attempting to defend himself. But he knew, just as his opponent did, that the upcoming attack would be fatal. Yet his warrior instincts could not accept defeat; he would not fall here!

The moment Nami surged toward Vista like lightning, a blue beam began to burst from her body toward the ground, targeting one of the greatest fighters of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Just at the critical moment, a massive body appeared before Nami, forcefully blocking her path and preventing her sword from decapitating Vista.

"Jozu!" Vista exclaimed with joy upon seeing the familiar massive diamond man.

"Tsk... It's you again. Do you really want to die this badly?!" Nami looked at Jozu, who had appeared before her again with frustration. She had defeated Jozu not long ago, beating him like a dog before Marco rescued him, and now he was intervening in her fight.

Her murderous intent rose like never before, and a sinister aura emerged that both Vista and Jozu could feel. Jozu swallowed hard in fear but with unwavering determination, then said to Vista, "I'll stop her here! You go help the others free Ace."

"No...! I can't leave you to die here!" Vista hesitated in refusal. Jozu was about to respond, but Nami's next move interrupted their dramatic exchange.




Three sharp blades shot out, appearing capable of cutting through anything in their path toward them. Jozu's expression tightened, and he activated his Devil Fruit ability.

In an instant, Jozu extended his arms and positioned himself in front of Vista. "Diamond Barrier!" he declared as diamond energy coalesced around him.


Nami's lightning-charged sword blades struck the diamond barrier Jozu had created, resulting in a deafening explosion that echoed across the battlefield.

When the blades collided with the barrier, it stood firm like an indestructible mountain, but the lightning's force began to penetrate its surface.

Boom!! A thunderous roar reverberated, as if a storm had swept through the arena.

Jozu braced himself against the impact of the attack, striving to reinforce the barrier. However, the terrifying effects of the lightning on the diamond began to show. As he held his ground, he noticed Vista behind him, struggling to maintain his footing.

"Jozu!" Vista shouted. "Hang in there!"

Jozu smiled, resolute and steadfast, determined to protect Vista at all costs. Thanks to his concentration, he managed to withstand most of Nami's powerful assault, but eventually, the sharp blades pierced through the diamond barrier, striking his body and causing cracks to form in the diamond encasing him.

"Ugh... Is that all you've got? *Gasp* Hah... Hah..." Jozu gasped, his voice strained.

"Now it's my turn to counterattack!"

With those words, Jozu regained his momentum, channeling his strength as he launched a counterattack toward Nami.

"Diamond Sphere!" he shouted, transforming the diamond energy into a massive ball of solid diamond power that hurtled toward Nami like a tornado, whipping up fierce winds and cracking the ground beneath it.

Nami sensed the imminent danger emanating from the diamond sphere, charged with mysterious energy, and decided to retreat cautiously. Her observation Haki had been active since the battle began, never faltering for a moment—whether to fend off the relentless attacks or avoid ambushes. This vigilance was a lesson instilled in her by Ren.

'As expected from a seasoned pirate of the New World, he still has some tricks up his sleeve!' she thought, watching the diamond sphere accelerate toward her.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled a cold gust of air. In the next moment, thin threads of lightning began to coil around her body, creating a cacophony of sound.

Nami focused her observation Haki on Jozu's attack as thousands of lightning threads intertwined, forming a sphere twice the size of a watermelon!

This sphere was composed solely of raw, untamed lightning energy!

This was a move that transcended swordsmanship! For the first time since the beginning of this war, Nami sheathed her sword and relied solely on the powers granted by her Devil Fruit!




It felt as though the sky itself was reacting to the impending clash. The dark clouds above Marineford grew more menacing, and the sound of thunder struck fear into the hearts of the weak and the cannon fodder.

"Raijin Sphere!!"

In the moment of collision, the wild lightning met the solid diamond. The two auras clashed in an explosion of light and energy. Lightning charges twisted around the diamond, attempting to pierce its shiny surface, while the diamond's energy fiercely repelled the lightning as if it were an impenetrable wall. The air around them filled with sparks and flying debris, and the explosion's noise was deafening. It felt as if the sky and earth trembled with the force of their clash, as their powers struggled in a terrifying balance between lightning and diamond.

However, it was clear that this delicate balance was about to change! The Goro Goro no Mi, known as the most powerful Logia fruit in terms of destructive capability, was on par with Whitebeard's fruit, which is said to have the potential to destroy the world!

Of course, Nami had not yet mastered the devil fruit to that extent, but her power was not to be underestimated!

Especially with her strong body, enhanced by systematic rewards and hard training, the force that Nami could unleash was simply monstrous!

Thus, as the clash continued, the diamond ball began to endure increasing pressure. The wild lightning charges from Nami's attack were stronger than Jozu had anticipated.

Electric sparks began to seep through the small cracks that formed in the diamond's surface, slowly expanding and destroying the diamond's defenses.

"Impossible…!" Jozu muttered, feeling the increasing pressure and anxiety filling his heart.


With Nami's final shout, she unleashed all her remaining energy into the lightning sphere. The lightning charges suddenly intensified and surged forward with tremendous force, engulfing the diamond ball entirely. The diamond energy struggled to resist, but the lightning viciously pierced through it, destroying the diamond from within.

In an instant, the diamond ball exploded with a massive blast, scattering shards into the air. The wild lightning continued its path and struck Jozu directly. He wore a shocked expression on his face; this attack was his trump card. The lightning ball hit him, delivering a massive electric shock that dropped him to his knees. The minimal power of the lightning was enough to take him down as his body screamed in pain from the impact of the charges and the fierce burns that began to appear on him!

Even his diamond body could not withstand the intense heat caused by the lightning, leading to a breakdown of his defenses.

Diamond is an extremely strong and cohesive material due to its unique crystalline structure, where carbon atoms are bonded with strong links, making it difficult to break or distort. Therefore, when diamond is exposed to lightning, it is not directly affected since diamond is considered a good electrical insulator, meaning that electric current cannot flow through it easily. This is what made it challenging for Nami to defeat Jozu!

However, no power is without its weaknesses. When diamond is subjected to extremely high temperatures, its structure can be compromised. When lightning collides with diamond, it generates immense heat. If this heat is sufficient, it can cause cracks or damage to the diamond, and this is precisely what happened to Jozu!

Simply put, diamond can resist direct electrical effects, but it is not immune to the extreme heat that can result from electrical explosions, making heat a vulnerability for diamond!

"Jozu!" Vista, who had previously escaped death, cried out sorrowfully, looking helplessly at Jozu's incapacitated form, while the wound on his own chest had yet to heal and was only worsening.



Nami stepped forward, her breath quickening, as the lightning surrounding her began to dissipate slowly. Victory was hers, and the sky above still rumbled as if celebrating her power.

"Pathetic weaklings!" she said coldly, unsheathing her bloodthirsty sword once more, appearing ready to end the lives of her opponents.

"Captain Jozu! Captain Vista!"

"They will die!"

"Did she defeat both of them despite their combined efforts?!"

"Save the commanders from this woman!"

The shouts of Whitebeard's pirates drew the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Even Whitebeard, who was engaged with Akiji and Kizaru, paused and looked at the scene as Nami advanced to kill Jozu and Vista, his eyes wide and filled with fury.

"Do not dare do this, you wretched girl!"


Whitebeard's roar silenced the battlefield for several seconds, and then in an instant, he swung his naginata towards Nami and shouted, "Marco! Bring Jozu and Vista here, now!"

Marco understood what his father wanted, transforming into a flaming bird and flying swiftly toward his brothers. At the same time, a white energy appeared at the head of Whitebeard's naginata!

It was the power of the his devil Fruit!

All this occurred within a matter of seconds. When Ren saw that Whitebeard intended to attack Nami, he shouted angrily: "Mikita! Stop Marco!"

Mikita appeared in the sky, a serious expression on her face. "Understood!" she exclaimed, and then she quickly launched herself towards Marco, who was racing toward Nami.

This did not stop Whitebeard, who was about to swing his attack at Nami. However, at that moment, his eyes narrowed in shock when he realized that just a moment ago, Ren had been standing with the other Warlords. He had used Shave multiple times and reached directly in front of Whitebeard, leaving the onlookers in disbelief. Was he planning to fight Whitebeard? Given the latter's weapon, infused with the power of the Quake Fruit, all the spectators could feel an invisible pressure at the sight of the towering figure of Whitebeard.

But now Ren was volunteering to face his attack?

This left many people in shock. Some of Ren's enemies were delighted by his predicament, while his allies watched neutrally, but his crew in Alabasta, Nami, and Miketa were concerned!

All these different thoughts raced through everyone's minds in just a moment. In reality, Ren was flying in the sky using Moonwalk.

"I'm glad you came, brat!" Whitebeard bellowed with immense anger as the naginata rose into the air, a symbol of his absolute power. Ren looked at the massive weapon, feeling the sense of danger rise in his heart.

Ren's Observation Haki warned him, with warning sounds echoing in his mind.' I have to escape!', ' This attack could destroy my body!' .he whispered to himself, realizing that his body would not be able to withstand this powerful strike. But he did not retreat! If he backed down, it would be his woman who would be hit by this attack!

"Whitebeard!!!" Ren shouted furiously, just before Whitebeard lunged at him. From his eyes shot out blazing rays of fire like lasers; the heat emitted from his counterattack surpassed even the flames of Ace's Devil Fruit! The flames danced in the air, igniting everything around them.

"You're bold, but you won't be able to stop me!" Whitebeard replied, tightening his grip on the naginata. With a single movement, he unleashed a strike like a storm, crashing down on Ren's body!

Whitebeard's power erupted into the air, and Ren's fiery rays were intercepted. But the impact was not what he expected. The rays were scorching, but they were not enough to halt Whitebeard's power, as the two attacks collided in a surge of energy.

While Ren struggled to withstand the force, Whitebeard's strike came crashing down and managed to breach his Haki. "Oh no!!" Ren shouted, feeling pain surge through his body. The blow was incredibly brutal, sending him flying towards a warship that was docked nearby.

"Whitebeard!!!!" were Ren's last words before crashing into the warship and destroying it.

An absolute silence fell over the battlefield…


To be continued