[125]The Aftermath

[2300 Words]


"This is... the Yonko, Red-Haired Shanks!"

"Why is he here?! The news said he was fighting Kaido, the Beast King, just a few days ago!"

"Did you hear what he said? He wants to end the war!"

A wave of shocked whispers spread among the Marines, their tension growing as they grappled with Shanks' sudden arrival. Sengoku's gaze hardened as he looked at Shanks, his frown deepening when he noticed the exhausted state of his troops.

"Koby!" Across the battlefield, Garp's voice trembled with concern as he rushed towards the young Marine, Koby, who had collapsed to the ground, his face frozen in terror and fear.

"Is this war finally going to end, Captain?" Ren heard Nami's soft voice behind him and turned to look at the orange-haired navigator. Wrapping his arm around her and Mikita's waists, he replied softly, "Yes... it's time to go home."

Far from Ren's thoughts, across the world, millions watched in awe as Shanks made his majestic entrance, proclaiming his intention to end the war. These were the last images seen before Sengoku ordered the live broadcast to be cut, leaving the public in confusion and frustration.

Back at Marineford, Shanks spoke with calm authority about his desire for peace, but he made a stern warning as well: anyone still wishing to fight would find him and his crew ready and waiting.

'We can't fight another Yonko after suffering these losses...'

With this grim realization, Sengoku finally gave the command both Marines and pirates had been waiting for: "This war... is over!!"


"We defeated the pirates!"

Tears of relief streamed down the faces of surviving Marines, their voices trembling as they celebrated. "I'm alive... I'm alive!" they shouted, overwhelmed by the realization they had survived the chaos.

Meanwhile, the remaining pirates, although filled with sorrow over their losses, could not ignore their survival instincts. They hastily boarded whatever ships were available and fled from Marineford.

"I will take Whitebeard and Ace's bodies. They deserve a proper burial." Shanks' words stirred anger among some of the Marines, but to their astonishment, Sengoku quickly agreed without protest.

"Zehahahaha... now's not the time to fight you, Shanks... my plans have been foiled for now," Blackbeard muttered darkly before departing Marineford with his newly formed crew.

Ren stood at a distance, observing Shanks with a thoughtful expression. The Red-Haired Yonko's presence felt like a vast ocean—calm and collected, yet hiding an immense, dormant power beneath the surface. The man Infront of him resembled a sleeping volcano, capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction at any moment.

Shanks sensed Ren's gaze and naturally turned to meet his eyes. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, but Ren quickly averted his gaze.

"The new warlord Ren...Huh" Shanks muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible.

'I wonder where Luffy is... It's strange he didn't show up to rescue his brother. Does Garp know something?' A shadow of worry crossed Shanks' mind. He realized he would need to have a conversation with the old Marine hero soon.

"It's time to go, girls." Ren stood up, ready to leave the battlefield, following the paths of Mihawk and Doflamingo, who had already departed. But before he could leave, he caught a glimpse of Hancock staring at him. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze as they held each other's gaze.

After what felt like an eternity, their eyes finally parted, and they went their separate ways. Though their paths were divided for now, who could say whether fate would intertwine their destinies again? Only the future held the answer.


[The Next Day]

The war had ended, leaving tens of thousands dead on both sides. This battle, now known as the "Summit War," was a monumental clash between the titans of the world, each fighting for their place at the top.

The Marines emerged victorious—or so the story went, echoing from the lips of every citizen when the Summit War was mentioned. And indeed, they had achieved their objective, though at a devastating cost—the lives of tens of thousands of their comrades.

But these soldiers were hailed as heroes, martyrs even. Their names would be etched into history, remembered as the brave souls who stood against the mightiest pirate crew in the chaotic Pirate Era.

Yet, the story of the war wasn't just about Marine glory. New figures emerged from the shadows, capturing the world's attention. Among them, one stood out above all others—the Warlord, the pirate who had fought alongside the Admirals and helped bring down Whitebeard—the Black Death, Ren.

By now, the name Black Death Ren was known everywhere, his strength acknowledged across the seas. Even in the New World, his name became synonymous with power. His performance in the war was undeniable proof of his prowess.

Even on the most remote islands, cut off from communication, the people learned of the war's events through newspapers that fell from the skies the following day.

The headlines read:

[Summit War... The Death of Whitebeard and the Victory of Marine Heroes!]

Accompanied by images from the war, the headlines featured pictures of the Admirals and Ren in the heat of battle against Whitebeard.

The bias in the reporting was clear, as was typical of the World Government's control over the media. In this world, press freedom was an illusion.

Another headline, equally eye-catching, read:

[Warlord Black Death Ren and His Crew Hunt Down Whitebeard's Commanders.]

What followed that headline was a concise overview of the actions of Ren, Nami, and Mikita. While the details were not exhaustive, this was to be expected since Ren was merely a pirate, albeit one with a license.


On an uncharted island.

Four mischievous children were squabbling among themselves. Their mother tried to intervene, but her words fell on deaf ears.

"If you don't stop, the Black Death will come and hit you!"

This statement struck the children like a splash of cold water, quickly halting their bickering as they transformed into model children. A singular thought raced through their minds: "I don't want the Black Death to come after me!"

Not far from this group of children, an elderly bald man sat quietly, holding a newspaper and smoking a pipe. He exhaled smoke while staring thoughtfully at the paper.

"So you have gone, my old rival... just like Captain Roger," Gaban murmured nostalgically, gazing at the image of the deceased Whitebeard, standing proudly.

"But the Marines are foolish if they think that by eliminating you, they will bring an end to this Great Pirate Era." Gaban chuckled and tossed the newspaper aside, a hint of bitterness in his voice.


In the New World.

In the territory of the missing Whitebeard Pirates, specifically on the islands that once proudly displayed Whitebeard's flag.


A monstrous laugh erupted from a tall pirate as he indiscriminately slaughtered the island's inhabitants. Despite their pleas for mercy, the pirate, named Mogino, relished in the act of killing the weak who begged for their lives.

"You won't get away with this...! This island is under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates!" shouted a man who was moments away from being slain, catching Mogino's attention.

"Whitebeard? Mihahaha! Whitebeard is no longer alive; his era has ended! Now it's my time! I'm Mogino, the Yellowbeard! Mihahaha!"


Such scenes unfolded across dozens of islands populated by civilians that had once been under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. With Whitebeard's fall, the hyenas emerged from their lairs, baring their fangs in a show of cruelty.

All those who had been oppressed and intimidated by Whitebeard sought vengeance by burning everything related to him.


At Marineford.

Marineford had not been devastated as severely as it was in the original story, since Blackbeard had not acquired the powers of the Quake Fruit, allowing for quicker repairs.

Sengoku sat at his desk, an expression of worry and fatigue etched on his face, as he spoke through a Den Den Mushi: "Send reinforcements to Kalidof Island, Solara, and the nearby islands! Don't let the pirates run rampant!"

"Understood, sir!" the response from the other side came.


"Damn pirates…"

Sengoku cursed, a sense of dread gnawing at his heart. Contrary to their assumptions, the pirates had grown more fervent following Whitebeard's death. His last words resonated like a siren's call, attracting hundreds of thousands of pirates back to the seas.

*Knock knock*

"Come in," Sengoku commanded upon hearing a knock at the door.

"Arara... it seems you're in a foul mood, Sengoku-san." Aokiji entered the office, taking in Sengoku's distressed state.

"Aokiji, where's Garp?" Sengoku asked, concern for his old friend evident in his voice. Garp was usually lively and cheerful, but since Ace's execution, he had not uttered a word and had left Marineford.

Aokiji sat down in a nearby chair and replied, "Garp-san has returned to his hometown in the East Blue... I saw him forcibly dragging his stubborn grandson along."

"I see…" Sengoku didn't possess the strength to reprimand Garp for leaving without a word. He understood that nothing could heal his friend's wounds except time, and perhaps even time would not suffice.

"Sengoku-san, are you certain we shouldn't release the bounties for the escaped Level 6 prisoners?" Aokiji asked, his expression troubled.

"Those are the orders from the World Government…" Sengoku replied, his voice laced with anger and helplessness.

"But those individuals are walking disasters! Shouldn't we at least warn the public that these criminals are free and that they should be cautious?" Aokiji sighed, a rare anger evident in his tone.

"Aokiji, orders are orders. Sometimes we have to... make sacrifices for the greater good." Sengoku remained calm despite Aokiji's outburst.

Aokiji remained silent, staring at Sengoku. This silence stretched on for several minutes, leaving no one knowing what the Ice Admiral was contemplating.

He eventually stood up and quietly left without uttering a word.

Sigh "I need to retire as soon as possible."

Sengoku let out a weary and defeated sigh.


In the New World, this turbulent sea filled with powerful pirates was rife with unrest.

With the news of the Yonko Whitebeard's downfall, many began contemplating how to seize the resources and wealth of this fallen Yonko.

In a distant corner of the New World, there lay an ancient country called Wano. However, this once-beautiful nation had become a mere shadow of its former glory.

Nearby Wano, there was another island radiating a sinister aura.


Onigashima: The Stronghold of the Infamous Beast Pirates

In the Skull Dome.

*Gulp... gulp...*


A massive entity sat on a throne, greedily drinking from a large gourd. When the wine ran out, the giant struck the subordinate in front of him, crushing his skull.

"Bring me more wine!!" Kaido roared furiously, but his expression quickly shifted, and tears began to flow from his eyes.

"Oh no, Captain Kaido is drunk again..."

"Run for your lives!"

His subordinates knew that being near Kaido at this moment was a perilous gamble, so they wisely chose to flee.

"How could you die, you old whitebeard?! Killed by a few admirals and a brat?!"

Kaido shouted at the top of his lungs, his sadness morphing back into rage, his furious voice echoing throughout Onigashima and instilling fear in his men.

"Who will kill me now..."

*Gulp... gulp...*


Far away from Onigashima, in a place that could be called "The Archipelago of cake Islands."

These islands were known as Totto Land, and on the main island, Cake Island, a savage laugh echoed from beyond its shores.

In Big Mom's Palace.

"Mama Mama~!"

"This old beast is finally dead~! That's one less obstacle in my way to the Pirate Queen's throne!" Big Mom exclaimed gleefully, stuffing her face with cake.

"Smoothie!" she called out, and moments later, a tall, leggy woman entered.

"Yes, Mama?" Smoothie asked, her posture elegantly poised.

"How long until the next tea party?" Big Mom maintained her cheerful demeanor, not bothering to look at her daughter.

"Eight months and twenty-seven days left, Mama," Smoothie replied promptly.

"Good, good. I want you to send an invitation to this Ren... Failure is not an option here, Smoothie. Understand?" Big Mom's tone shifted, becoming dangerously serious.

Smoothie shuddered momentarily but quickly replied, "Understood, Mama."

"Mama Mama~!"


In Alabasta, specifically in the sky above, a massive ship floated magically through the air, yet curiously, there was no one on deck.

This was Elsama, the magical ship of the Sin Pirates.

In The dimension.

The house located on the island's shore was currently alive with activity as numerous characters gathered within.

Unsurprisingly, they were all beautiful women, except for one man.

"Welcome back, Captain~!" Nojiko hugged Ren and separated after a few seconds.

"Are you okay, Captain? You weren't hurt, were you?" Kaya asked, concern etched on her face.

"Fufufu~ Can't you see he's perfectly fine, Kaya? Hello, Captain, your performance in the war was impressive," Robin smiled warmly at Ren.

"Hello, Captain," Zala added, taking her turn to greet him.

Ren, who had just returned to Elsama, looked at the girls in front of him with a smile, responding to each of them and assuring them he was fine, but he noticed that some were missing.

"Where are Laila and Vivi? And Kalifa too?"

His words caught the girls' attention, and Nojiko, who had been talking to Nami, was the first to reply, "They're still at the Royal Palace of Alabasta with Bell-mere. Didn't you go there?" she asked, puzzled.

"I didn't... I think I'll go there now."

With that, Ren left Mikita and Nami to reunite with the other girls, then vanished, reappearing on the deck of Elsama and descending from the sky toward the royal palace.


To be continued...

500 PS = Bonus chapter.