
Ever since I was a little girl I have been able to control my dreams. I have a messy life, so controlling my dreams has come super handy. My name is Drea and I am 17 years old. I have been in the foster care system since I was a toddler, and jumping from house to house since I have memories of myself. I do not know anything about my real parents. The only thing I have from them is a necklace with a medium size rare pearl and a stuffed animal that looks like a wolf. 

The wolf is magically attached to me. No matter how many objects I've lost over time I still manage to keep it. I swear, I even tried to get rid of Wolfy (that's how I named it when I was little) during a meltdown once, but somehow the stuffed creature ended up right back with me. 

Wolfy refuses to give up on me when many people do. Even my foster care caseworker is fed up with me and can't wait till I'm an adult. That's okay, I only have the rest of this year to put up with the awkwardness of people faking they care about me. Then, I won't be a burden to anyone. 

What are my plans after I graduate high school? That seems to be the popular question now. It is hilarious to ask that to someone like me. I think the real question should be, How many months would you last in this school? I honestly hope I am able to stay in this school until graduation. Also, I hope nothing crazy happens while I'm staying with this family. 

My last foster parents died tragically, and by tragically I mean they were murdered while I was in school. The family I was living with before them were nice, but they didn't want anything to do with me after their dog was killed. I was immediately blamed for it, since I was the only one home that night.

I remember I was in the shower and when I came out, my bedroom was a mess and the dog was covered in blood and dead on my bed. There's always weird things happening around me, it's like a curse! Everywhere I go I bring chaos with me. I don't know what it is about me that trouble seems to follow me.

Mr. and Mrs. Flores are my new foster parents. They are super cool and so far they seem to like me. I plan to keep it that way. I also have a foster sister, her name is Nina. She's 17, like me, and her bedroom is across from mine. She has been staying with this family a little longer than me. At least I will know someone in my new school. 

Nina keeps to herself and I like that. I don't feel like bonding with anyone. I just want to be invisible and get this senior year over with. After graduation, I plan on getting a job and saving money so I can travel the world and discover where I want to settle down. I have no time to make new friends who I would probably never see again, like the rest of the people I have left behind.

I don't know where my parents are from, so I have always felt the need to explore different places and cultures until I can find where I belong. This year has to be different. It will be, I know so, I can feel it! Something has shifted in the universe for me and I have been experiencing some changes. 

Lately, my dreams have been extremely different and somewhat out of my control, and I can't help to think these dreams are not just dreams, because they feel so real! I know it sounds impossible, but some of the strange dreams feel like memories to me, while some feel like they are actually happening in real life, far away from here.