More Surprises

I don't recognize myself looking back at my own reflection in the mirror. My hair is the same length (long) but with a silky dark blue color. My eyes... whoa, my eyes... They are green, but a crazy green, not the same green as before. They are almost neon green and huge too! Like those of the Farrix people. My nose... wow, my nose is super weird. I have the nose of my father, cat-like looking. 

My skin is as tanned as before, not pale like my mother's. My body feels different, I'm built the same size but somehow I feel stronger, and my senses are too. I even undress myself to check for more strange changes... but thankfully, everything else remains the same. I get dressed again and decide to explore the ship. I honestly don't know how big it is.

I wander out of my room and notice the bedrooms next to mine. There are at least 3 more. I wonder if they belong to Jake, well, Racár, Laura (who knows what her real name is) and the man who was standing with them when we took off and they fired their weapons at the ship. One of these rooms belongs to Zul, I assume. 

I keep walking and see an open space with the appearance of a shared room that can serve as a dining room and entertainment area. Then, I find another room that looks like a gym, and following the gym, a weird room that looks like a bathroom... except it has many strange features. As I continue to explore I encounter more unusual rooms that I have no idea what they are used for, and in them, I discover a diversity of equipment, weapons, tools and suits. 

One of the rooms I see is full of plants and weird fruits. The area looks like a greenhouse. Passing that, I hear a noise and get a little scared. Suddenly, my nostrils catch a scent, I don't know how, I can't explain it, but I am aware there is someone else near me, here, in one of these rooms. Frightened, I decide to walk away quickly, hoping this ship is not huge. 

A sense of relief washes over me after ending up where I started. Thankfully, I can already see the control room from here, where the pilot and everyone else sits to navigate. Tolug and Zul look my way as I enter the room panting and say ''there's someone else on the ship!'' ''Ah, yes, we know. Don't worry, she is secured inside a cell, chained and closely being monitored. That's the spy who has been living with you at the Flores residence'', Zul says nonchalantly. 

''Nina?'' I ask in disbelief. ''Yes,'' Tolug answers. Zul looks at me and sighs before explaining who my foster sister really is. ''Her name is Toran, she's a Kandreo traitor who has been wandering off for too long, trying to survive on her own. She recently started working for General Mosk because he offered her immunity and full acceptance.'' ''All she needed and possibly wanted in exchange of killing you!'' Tolug growls, interrupting Zul. 

''How do you know all this?'' I ask them. ''I tortured her to extract the information… after I dragged her here from your house. Don't look at me like that, your friend wanted to kill her'', Zul says, shooting a glance at Tolug. ''I thought she would be useful.'' I gasp at the thought of Tolug killing someone! Zul laughs at whatever face expression I made after thinking about my friend who used to be a stuffed animal before, possibly killing anyone. 

''It wouldn't be his first time killing to protect you. In fact, he almost killed her a couple days ago when he found her hovering over you while you slept.'' Realization hits me as I remember Nina, I mean Toran, staying home because she wasn't feeling good. She had told me a story about sneaking out with her boyfriend and a dog attacking her, but that is not true. Tolug did that to her. Was she planning to kill me? 

I think about the many crazy scenarios I have been in, home after home. The dead dog in my bedroom, my old foster care parents murdered... Tolug looks at me with concern, wondering what I'm thinking about. ''So, all those times... the foster care parents that were murdered, the dog?'' I continue to bring up incident after incident, and Tolug nods with sadness. ''Yes, child, I did all that, because they were spies wanting to kill you or snatch you'', Tolug says in my head. 

I cover my mouth with both hands and sit down, feeling chills running through my body. I stay silent for a few minutes, trying to process all this. Finally, I am able to move past the morbid thoughts of all the people Tolug might have killed while I was oblivious, and decide to change the subject. ''So, are those the bedrooms of the crew you went to Earth with?'' I ask Zul and he nods. ''How did you end up on this mission? And how did you meet my brother?'' 

''It's a long story'', Zul says, mischievously. ''Well, I have lots of time to hear it. By the way, how long till we get to…'' ''Crándactar'', Tolug says, finishing my sentence and answering my question at the same time. ''At least a year, if there are no complications; and I must agree with the lady, we have lots of time to hear that story.'' He directs the last comment to Zul, and Zul rolls his eyes. ''Fine'', he says, agreeing to tell us the story. 

''After being in the academy'', he begins to explain, ''training to be a soldier (that is where most traitor orphans get sent to) I excelled. My superiors put in the recommendation to assign me to a different task. The assignment was approved and I was enlisted with the spies, instead of soldiers. But by that time, I had already gained a reputation outside the kingdom.''

''I survived my younger years by doing simple favors, in exchange for other favors, and well, I got better and better at sneaking in and out and getting things done for my own benefit. I learned from the best, my family; although they did things for people in need because they truly cared about them. I can't say the same about myself, I am not so noble. I'm simply a businessman.''

''While my family's occupation was medicine I had a passion for engineering. I was always inventing gadgets and fixing scraps, since an early age. I think I got it from my mother, that was her father's occupation. Anyway, that knowledge and practice served me well in the academy, especially as a spy.'' 

''Rumors from the Zatra Tribe spread and reached the Kingdom. Rumors of you being alive, hiding in another planet. When King Etrón, your grandfather, heard about it, he ordered a search. This is not the first mission, this is like the 20th attempt to find you. As you already know, many of those attempts were also made with the intention of killing you, of course, not ordered by the king, but by General Mosk. He always had a secret murder agenda behind your grandfather's wishes.'' 

''The years went by and the king decided it was best to send a group of teenagers with a skilled adult pilot, since it made more sense that you would connect better with people your own age. Since then, a couple of groups were sent on the mission… that's when your brother approached me.''

''Kenúd was barely 11 years old at the time this happened, 2 years ago. I would have never thought he was so young. He has your father's structure and the athletic body of the Zatra people. The kid is brave, charismatic and wise beyond his years. He found me outside the Kingdom while I was, as people say on Earth, hustling, in an inn, meeting with some Halves in the dining area.'' 

''He came well accompanied by people of high ranks from his tribe. He spoke truthfully, warmhearted and most of all, seriously. He asked me if I was able to make it to the next mission to Earth and I answered probably. Then, he said to name my price, and at the time I didn't know what I wanted... but he knew.'' 

''Kenúd had done his research. He looked straight into my eyes and said, I will find your sister if you find mine, but first, make sure to get in the mission crew. Once you are in, we will meet again. Just like that, the boy who spoke like a smooth and determined businessman shook my hand, still looking me in the eyes and leaving me almost trembling at the mention of my sister.'' 

''Wow!'' I say to Zul, unable to hide my smug. I can't help to feel so proud of the little brother I never knew I had. He is the reason I am heading to my real world. I am almost 18 and he is barely 13, and he sent this guy on a mission to rescue me when he was barely 11? ''My little brother is a badass!'' I say in aw and Zul chuckles as he carries on with his story. 

''After getting all the motivation I needed to be on that mission, I tried my hardest to excel and be more than noticeable, essential and likable. I basically half charmed my way into the crew, with an equal effort of hard work and sweet talking to the right people; but, what secured my position was my wisdom with gadgets, mechanics and pretty much my ability to improvise. I was in! I made it into the mission.'' 

''Before I tried finding Kenúd he found me, just like he said. He came to me and warned me about his suspicions of General Mosk. He explained the whole story about the General hurting your parents. He gave me the book and told me to give it to you and then wait for him to contact me, which is not easy, by the way.'' 

''After you met with him in your dream, Kenúd asked me to sabotage the mission and kidnap you, so I could bring you to him, instead of the Farrix. He promised to take me to my sister once I deliver you to him... so I am holding my side of the bargain hoping he holds his.''

''If the boy is anything like his father, my dear friend Andreúl, he will hold his side of the bargain'', Tolug assures Zul with a smile. ''What about your crew? What's going to happen next?'' I ask Zul, fearing for his life and ours too. ''Well, they cannot kill me; by law, I am given another chance. I have to be 18 years old at the time of the offense for them to sentence me to death, but I am sure I will be punished severely for treason, if I get caught.'' Zul looks worried but he tries to hide his fear behind a smirk. 

''What about her? What are the real intentions of the so-called rescue mission of the Farrix?'' Tolug asks skeptically. ''The king has the best intentions, of course. Andreamaba will be a princess and eventually take his place one day, but the general will never see to that. He will spend every moment of his life trying to get rid of her. You will be in danger every single day you spend in that castle... and pretty much in the whole Kingdom'', Zul says, looking at me convinced that his own words are certain; and I believe him... so does Tolug.

''Racár is a good person, so I don't think he has any part or is even aware of his father's bad intentions. He is loyal to the crown and the alliance, but his constant need to please and impress the General is annoying. He tries so desperately to make his father proud... I don't know if the General would put him up to the task of harming you, but if he does I am not sure Racár would agree to finally gain his respect and approval by doing so.'' 

''To be honest, I doubt Racár knows about his father's betrayal and evil plans. It makes sense to send a Kandreo traitor on a small ship by herself to execute your assassination, knowing his own son is part of the rescue mission this time... Well, according to Toran's story.'' 

''One thing I am sure of, you should not trust anyone other than your brother',' Zul says, finishing his story. Then, he turns back to face the monitors and the big windshield displaying a beautiful black sky adorned by millions of stars.