Colzen Reunion

The bright blue skies above Valenzia City celebrated as colorful fireworks sang tales of Colzen Academy's glorious comeback victory.

"...Again, please give a round of applause for this year's champion, Colzen Academy!!" Bart enthusiastically exclaimed with his exuberant voice, starting a wave of thunderous cheers.

Everyone naturally had their preferred academies to support, with some preferences even passed down from their parents. 

However, once an academy claimed the championship, the crowd would come together and cheer wholeheartedly.

"That wraps up this year's Adventurer Academy Competition! Will Colzen defend their title next year, or will they falter again without a 'Crowley' as their star representative? Tune in next year to find out! Have a great night, everyone!"

As the closing ceremony concluded, people left one by one.