Foul-mouthed Midget, Face me!

"Woah. woah, woah! When did you learn how to fight with a dagger, lil bro Kiin?!" Seira asked with an amazed look on her face.

She was genuinely impressed, but half of her expression was just for show, as she already knew that Kiin was her boss's prime suspect. 

Therefore, she did what any loyal subordinate would do and attempted to gather information for Shye.

"Ahh…hahaha…this is a bit embarrassing," Kiin chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head. "I started my training as a scout-class adventurer when I was younger, but since I had more talent in archery, I decided to switch. However, I still secretly practice with daggers from time to time."

"Oh! I see! Then why didn't you tell us? Or at least give us a hint that you were so skilled with it? Wait, doesn't this mean you effectively have Scout as your subclass?!" Seira exclaimed, her voice ringing throughout the grand halls.