Crazy Methods for Crazy People

"F*ck! F*ck!!" Kiin cursed, throwing his spatial bag hard to his inn room's bed.

He was forced to join Hadean Varsa, as he couldn't allow himself to be imprisoned at all costs.

Still, he was resolved to play the role, convinced he'd eventually be able to think of a loophole sooner or later.

The most frustrating aspect of the mana oath was that he couldn't say anything even close to "Hadean Varsa" or "terrorist group," along with several other forbidden terms. 

If he so much as whispered or wrote one of these words to someone lacking a Hadean Varsa crest or badge, his soul would be consumed after his throat burst open.

He'd toyed with fire far too long, and now, it had consumed him. 

Kiin needed to execute his role flawlessly; otherwise, he would certainly perish, leaving his mother alone for eternity.