Fangs of the White Tiger

Hadean Varsa, Shadow Raid, Midnight Brigade, and Sinister.

The most notorious of terrorist organizations.

Despite being aligned with their reputation for wreaking havoc upon the world and its inhabitants, the leaders of the four didn't see eye to eye.

Nonetheless, all their leaders were known to be practitioners of soul arts, utilizing their forbidden powers to achieve their evil goals.

However, when asked which organization is the most vile among the four, everyone would readily answer 'the Midnight Brigade,' as the group engages in sex and human trafficking, even going so far as to sell recordings of their depraved acts to sick buyers on the black market for extra income.

Sure, members of other organizations also committed such vile acts, including kidnapping people to extract their talents, but none of the other three flaunted these actions as if they were something to be proud of.