The Mythical White Stallion’s Strength

Two equines stood across the towering Fire Dragon Emperor. 

Rather than showing fear, they appeared to regard the draconic overlord with disdain.

After exchanging a few words, the dragon emperor finally couldn't hold himself back, firing another fireball—one much larger than the previous—toward the black mare.

The Fire Dragon Emperor wanted a fireball rematch!

Naturally, the equally prideful Zeth didn't shy away from the challenge, shooting a big, blue fireball of her own.

A few moments later, the two fireballs collided, recreating the earlier scene.

The blue fireball was swallowed by the red one.

However, this time, the former wasn't able to devour the latter without paying the price of its own destruction.

It was a draw.

Only, the Fire Dragon Emperor overlooked something important.

Equines, although prideful, weren't dragons, and were used to helping each other, finding no shame in doing so.