Performance Review (3)

From an aerial perspective, it finally became clear to a smart and observant few how the Chaos Unit fought.

They were like packs of wolves on the battlefield.

With a team of seven elites—two warriors, a scout, a priest or priestess, two mages, and an archer—they advanced.

One of the warriors—either a shielder or someone wielding a brute-strength-type weapon—along with the scout, acted as 'herders,' marking the borders and targets of their respective groups. 

They also monitored the targets of other groups, ensuring that each team would only worry about their own targets as they advanced.

It didn't matter if the target included multiple individuals. 

What mattered was that the targets were clustered together—a task entrusted to the unit's powerful warriors. 

With swings of their weapons or shields, they grouped their team's targets, bombarding them with area-of-effect projectiles once the targets were close enough to one another.