Final Phase Begins

"Deltra Strike Force has accomplished all objectives."

"Fanfir Strike Force was forced to adopt Plan B. Only three out of the four establishments were captured. We failed to capture the city hall."

"Commander Arturo of the Chellionne Strike Force, reporting. Only two out of the four establishments were captured. The WAA Headquarters and the teleportation formations were too heavily guarded. Only the Broadcasting Office and the City Hall were captured. City Lord Brios is in our hands."

"R-Reporting, Commander Chen from the Weaven Strike Force. We were ambushed on Fourth Street in Weaven City and suffered grievous losses. It seemed the Weavenians were strangely prepared for our attack and had anticipated it. We were only able to capture the Weaven Broadcasting Office."

"Commander Ghost from the Hakk'Shatta Strike Force…"