Shye's subsequent actions were what anyone in his situation would have done: finish off his weakened opponents.
He quickly swapped both weapons back to greatswords and charged at Primo.
After all, the man gave him the most trouble out of everyone.
Hathor Hawkins was, of course, a close second on his list.
That damned corrosive dagger of his was not only extremely lethal but also excruciatingly painful, even from the most minor of lacerations.
It only took Shye a few milliseconds to arrive in front of Primo.
He brandished his twin greatswords downwards, aiming to cut his target into three gruesome parts.
At that moment, a cunning glint flashed in the First Hawkling's eyes, accompanied by a victorious smile.
Shye's eyes widened as Primo suddenly thrust his divine rapier toward his heart with the same speed as before—dark purple aura and black smoke once again billowing from the Hawkling's body—catching him completely off guard.