The Reaper Harvests Another Life

Sieg, you take that one. I'll handle the one on the right."

Ten young men and women dashed through the devastated streets of Yon Augenn, their clear path narrowing as a horde of abominations and thousands of Soul Warriors—along with their lesser versions—rushed toward them.

It wasn't a coordinated attempt to surround them or anything strategic. 

It was pure instinct—the unrelenting drive to kill any human who lacked the Golden Hawk Insignia.

Shirley and Siegfried led the charge, the tip of the spear, with Seira right behind them.

The three warriors were tasked with engaging every Soul Creature that stood in their path.

Meanwhile, the scouts—Ian, Reginald, Lesurii, and Maia—were responsible for finishing off any creatures that managed to survive the warriors' onslaught.

Luna, on the other hand, was assigned to protect the mages, Harry and David.