Chapter 2: Jade Buddha Hits Mother-in-law's Head

"Honey, let me explain, Dwright Brews was smoking in the living room, I knew you liked it clean, so I asked him to stop smoking, he didn't listen, I went over to put out his cigarette, then he kicked me.." William Cole tried to explain what just happened, but Ruth Dawn looked annoyed.

Eloise Torres was outright angry, "Dwright Brews is a guest, what's wrong with him smoking?"

"My mom is right, Dwright Brews is our guest," Ruth said coldly.

William Cole opened his mouth, "Ruth…you…don't you dislike the smell of smoke in the house?"

"Stop making excuses, William, look at what you've done to Dwright. Get on your knees and apologize to him now!" Eloise Torres pointed at William's nose.

"Mom, it wasn't my fault, why should I apologize?" William argued.

Eloise Torres poured a glass of water, splashing it in William's face, "Still arguing with me? Apologize!"

Dwright Brews coldly watched the scene, grinning, "Auntie, nevermind, I have no grudges against him. On your birthday, I have brought you a jade Buddha, have a look."

Dwright Brews turned around and took out his gift.

The jade Buddha, wrapped in an elaborate gift box, was dazzling, causing the ordinarily avaricious Eloise Torres's eyes to goggle.

"A jade Buddha…" Eloise Torres murmured, cradling the jade Buddha and unwilling to let go. After an admiring look, she shouted at William, "William, what are you waiting for? Take the jade Buddha to my room, now!"

"Okay…" William responded and then walked towards Eloise Torres.

As he was passing by Dwright Brews, a malicious glint flashed in Dwright's eyes. Suddenly, he tripped William.

Caught off guard, William stumbled, losing his balance and fell towards Eloise Torres...

"Bang!" The jade Buddha smashed onto Eloise Torres's head and shattered. Blood oozed from Eloise's head, her eyes bulged out and her heart convulsed violently.

"Hee...hee..." she let out a few grunting noises.

"Mom! What's wrong?" Ruth Dawn exclaimed, her face draining of color.

She rushed over to support Eloise Torres, only to find her unconscious.

"My dear Ruth, was not intentional...Dwright just tripped me..." William tried to explain.

"You shut up!" Ruth Dawn roared, her fury unabated, as she frantically dialed an emergency number.

Dwright also stepped up to help. As William tried to assist, Dwright punched him in the head, "Get lost, you're just in the way!"

William felt a throb of pain in his head, a rush of warm blood pouring from his nose, and he fell straight back.

When the ambulance arrived, Ruth Dawn and Dwright Brews rushed Eloise Torres to the hospital, leaving William alone on the chilly floor.

A few minutes later, a dragon-shaped jade pendant on William's chest, stained with his blood, lit up instantly.

The Dawn family's living room was filled with a mystical green light.

While unconscious...

William felt his mind filled with new knowledge, such as Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles, Human Body's 720 Acupoints, and much more medical skills, detoxification, and disease treatments methods.

The green light from the jade pendant on William's chest also instantly disappeared into his body.

The severe injuries on his body miraculously healed in an instant.

When William woke up, he found he was the only one in the large hall.

He pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number, "Ruth, where's Mom?"

"William, how dare you call me?

My mom is now hospitalized, if anything happens to her, you'll have to answer to me!" Ruth Dawn exclaimed, her voice dripping with pain and rage.