Chapter 10: Wife Ruth Dawn Gets Drunk!

William Cole returned to the hospital, only to find that Ruth Dawn was nowhere to be seen.

"Jones, where's Ruth?"

Jones grinned, "Young Master, don't worry, I can locate her."

Soon after, a location was transmitted.

Riverside No.1 Hotel.

"Ruth went to the hotel?" William's heart skipped a beat.

What could Ruth be doing at a hotel, instead of going home at this late hour?

Jones spoke, "Young Master, if you want to see her, I can have our hackers break into the hotel's surveillance system. You can watch the happenings in the hotel on your phone."


"Of course, Young Master, don't forget, we have top hackers in our group. Breaking into a hotel's surveillance system is nothing for us." Jones chuckled softly.

About five minutes later.

An installable file came to William's phone.

William clicked to install it.


The screen of his phone started showing images from inside the hotel.

Ruth's pretty face was flushed, as she leaned on a couch, revealing her beautiful legs under her long skirt. Her skin was as milky white and smooth as ivory, seductively appealing.

"Dwright, I can't drink anymore..." Ruth continuously shook her head.

Dwright, with a gleam in his eyes, was watching Ruth intently like a hungry wolf, his gaze wandering all over her.

Dwright gave her a gentle smile, "It's okay, drink to drown your sorrows since you're not feeling great."

"Drink more, you'll forget all your worries once you're drunk."

"I'll drink with you!" Dwright lifted a drink.

And lifted Ruth's wine glass to her lips.

Her red lips were luscious, incredibly tempting.


Ruth didn't have any defenses up as she took the drink that Dwright offered and gulped it down.

Suddenly her mind went blank and she collapsed, drunk to a stupor.


"Are you drunk?"

"Let me take you home."

Dwright pretended to call out to Ruth a few times.

Seeing that Ruth didn't respond, he helped her up and headed inwards into the hotel.

The image in William's phone changed to a corridor in the hotel.

The image showed Ruth being helped into a room by Dwright.

The image disappeared.

There was no surveillance in the rooms.

"Damn it! Jones, damn it!"

William's eyes were seething and his mind was buzzing, overcome by a murderous rage.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Ruth was drunk, inside a room, being helped in by that man...

"Young Master, hurry, the room's lock is networked. I've already had someone crack it. You can unlock the door once you reach outside the room." Jones reminded urgently.

Without a second thought, William dashed towards Riverside No.1 Hotel.

The hotel was near the hospital and William was there within three minutes.

After parking his car, he rushed towards the hotel.

A few hotel security guards at the entrance were taken aback seeing William charging in.

Nobody usually dared to barge into this hotel like this.

Before the guards could react, William was already inside.

"Grab him!"

The guards were alarmed and ran after William.


The lights within the room were warm.

At this moment.

Dwright had just taken a shower; only a towel was wrapped around him. He was holding a wine glass, eyeing the drunken Ruth under the soft light.

Ruth's face was flushed as she laid on the bed, completely defenseless.

Dwright couldn't help but salivate. His desire was flaming.

After swallowing, Dwright emptied his glass of wine and approached Ruth.

Absent-mindedly, he kicked away her high heels...