Chapter 75: The Soul of Josephine Hayes!

"What, Josephine jumped off a building?"

At the words, Joshua Hayes was dumbfounded, looking completely stupefied.

Josephine Hayes was an excellent student and known to be quite cheerful.

She hadn't had any disputes with her classmates at school and her teachers had high praises for her as well.

Out of the blue, how could she have jumped off a building?

"Dad, don't worry, I'll be there immediately!" Joshua Hayes ended the phone call, pleadingly looking at William Cole, "Brother Cole, my sister jumped off a building at school, and I'm rushing over right now.

Can you come with me?

You know about medical science, you might be able to help!"


When it was a matter of life and death, William Cole didn't refuse.

He also knew Josephine, who had argued with the Dawn family and others at the hospital several times before on his behalf.

He had some affection for this simple-minded girl.

"Minnie, please help me watch the Thirteen Hall."