Chapter 77: Events from Eight Years Ago

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Josephine Hayes, who was supposedly dead, was miraculously alive again.

She was alive, right in front of all their eyes.

George White and a group of doctors felt as if they had been harshly slapped. Their cheek stung with a burning sensation!

The person they had pronounced dead was actually alive?

What on earth was going on!

They had checked thoroughly—Josephine Hayes was dead. She had no breath, no pulse, her heart had stopped beating.

How could she... be alive?

The bewildered Silas Hayes and Harmony Carter stood stiffly in place, unable to process what was happening.

"Dad, Mom! What are you still stunned about?

Josephine is awake!" Joshua Hayes shouted.

"My daughter!"

Only then did Silas and Harmony regain their composure, rushing over to Josephine with tears of joy shimmering in their eyes.