Chapter 82: Just Support Me!

Isabel Warner nodded, "Yes, my father has been afflicted with a serious illness for several years now. We have sought treatment from many renowned doctors from home and abroad."

"But no improvement was noticed!"

"In three days, you could pay a visit to the Warners. Many noted physicians will be coming to consult on my father's condition."

"Your medical skills seem quite satisfactory. They should be of use."

William Cole glanced at Lynn Warner, using his X-ray vision.

Lynn Warner's health was indeed in dire straits, the problems were significant.

However, if William conducted the procedure, it should cure him, or at the very least, William still had his dragon jade pendant as a backup.

"Why go through all that trouble? I can treat him right now." William Cole remarked in a nonchalant manner.

A frown crossed Isabel Warner's face.

She had only said those words out of politeness, she hadn't expected William to actually believe he could cure her father?