Chapter 89 Dare you to touch my wife?

Valerie, Elsie, and Ruth, their faces drastically changed.

Hector Anderson was imposing his will like a tyrant!

"If you touch my daughter, I will..." Roman Torres had barely stood up when Hector Anderson's goons already had him secured.

Hector Anderson smirked, "Not only do I plan to touch your women, I intend to touch every woman present here!"


"You monster!"

Eloise Torres trembled all over in anger. She was both terrified and afraid.

Did she, despite her old age, have to endure dishonor?

"Capture all the women!" Hector Anderson ordered.

"Don't you dare touch my wife!"

Eddie Brews mustered the courage to stand up, placing himself before Valerie.

Maxim Lawson also desperately shielded Elsie behind him, "Mr. Anderson, please... I beg you, don't touch my wife..."

Hector Anderson laughed, "You think by asking me not to, I won't?

Why didn't you leave when I commanded you to earlier?"

"If you had prudently left, would we have ended up in this mess?"