Chapter 108: Someone Reported

After seeing more than a dozen patients, William Cole stealthily glanced at the dragon-shaped jade pendant.

As expected, he saw a layer of green light within the jade pendant.

Just as he thought, he could increase the green light in the dragon-shaped jade pendant by saving lives.

This green light held a greater purpose when stored up. It could save those on the brink of death or revive those whose souls had left their bodies.

Suddenly, a group of people in uniform stormed into William Cole's clinic. A middle-aged man in uniform commanded, "Take photos as evidence and seal all these things up."

"All the patients should stay here. Use them as witnesses."

"Anyone who resists, arrest them immediately!"

A chorus of digital camera clicks resonated in the air.

More than twenty uniformed men with sealing tape started plastering seals all over William's clinic.

From the medicine cabinets and the counter to the door, everything was covered with seals.