Chapter 111: You Really Are a Genius Doctor!

After Eloise Torres and others left, William Cole's expression returned to calm.

He wasn't too angry, what he felt was endless disappointment.

He was used to the behaviour of Eloise and her company. However, he did not anticipate that they would become even more ruthless over time.

He intentionally displayed an apparent anger to drive them away.

Not more than ten minutes had passed when Ruth Dawn furiously called, "William Cole, on what grounds did you insult my mother?"

William Cole responded coldly, "Your mother came with a group of people, wanting to rent my Thirteen Hall for five thousand."

"Dwright Brews maliciously reported my Thirteen Hall and your mother defended him, saying Dwright had good intentions. Do you think I can bear it?"

Ruth had signed a five billion contract recently so she confidently questioned, "What can't you bear?"

"You've borne it for so many years."

"Regardless of the reason, you insulted my mother, and you must apologize."