Chapter 229 Teach According to the Student

"Go to Capital City?" William Cole frowned.

He hesitated for a few seconds, without responding.

Ruth Dawn looked at William Cole, "What, you're not going?"

William shook his head, "No, Ruth, I have things to handle recently, so I can't leave Midocen."

"Once I've sorted out matters in Midocen, I'll go with you to Capital City to save the person."

He had learned from Elder Harrison that the Martial Association might take action against the Three Major Families of Midocen, as well as the Campbell family.

William couldn't possibly leave at such a time, he had to stay and stand by the Campbell family's side.

If he were to leave for Capital City at this time, what would happen if the Campbell family and the Three Major Families were up-rooted?

Although William's staying in Midocen might not necessarily be useful.

But he couldn't leave right now.

Ruth Dawn was slightly upset, "You're busy? What could you be busy with?"