Chapter 233: Genius doctor? What kind of bullshit genius doctor

When William Cole arrived at the hospital, there were people filling the corridor.

The entire hospital was sealed off.

The top-level members of the Campbell, Garcia, Hayes, and Warner families were almost all there.

The poisoned people, they were the key decision makers of their respective families.

If they were to lose their lives to the poison, it would create a mass panic, and they would no longer be able to confront Lord Buddha and the Tyrant Tiger.

They might as well just hand over Midocen on a silver platter.

"What happened?

What kind of poison is it? Has it been tested?" asked William Cole as he rushed over.

Estelle Bowman pushed through the loud crowd and walked over, "I don't know what happened, they were fine this morning."

"At noon, my dad suddenly fainted, then we sent him to the hospital."

"Marven Garcia, Silas Hayes, Charles Warner, Lee Warner, all of them were subsequently brought here."