Chapter 247: Dr. Cole, when are you getting married?


"Young Master Kramer!"

"Tate Kramer, wake up! Wake up!"

The private room was chaotic, with the group of young elites from Capital City, one crazier than the next.

"Quickly call 120!"

"Rescue him quickly!"

Everyone was on the verge of madness.

Who was this?

It was Tate Kramer!

One of the Four Young Masters of Capital City, known as a prince.

Yet he was stabbed.

Cold sweat poured from Silas Hayes' forehead: "Mr. Cole…"

His heart trembled in fear. This was Tate Kramer!

Even if William Cole had killed Lord Buddha and was now the number one in Midocen, he certainly couldn't afford to make an enemy of the Kramer family in Capital City.

"Rush him to the hospital immediately, we must revive him," Silas Hayes growled lowly.

William Cole spoke lightly: "The person I killed with my own hands, there's no saving."

A single stab pierced three arteries, his organs cut straight off.

Even a god couldn't save him!