Chapter 256: Ha, I see you can't get away from that Minnie Wright!

William Cole's expression was calm, "It's simple, you told me yourself."

"I told you myself?" Scott Hull frowned.

William Cole nodded, "Yes, you told me yourself."

"Originally, when I met you in the Jones family, you were there to treat Old Master Jones. Nothing was wrong with that."

"The problem came when you should not have fabricated an excuse about Mirage Poison to deceive others, then have your undead insect eat the decayed flesh on Old Master Jones's leg."

"I once read in a medical book that people in Southeast Asia raised undead insects from corpses."

"I was not sure at first, but after I saved Old Master Jones and told him about it..."

"Old Master Jones inadvertently mentioned that his wife was born at an all-Yin birth time, upon which I had an inkling that there was something off. Then, I began to suspect you."

"Afterward, Old Master Jones showed me his wife's body, and indeed, she was a zombie."