Chapter 281: William Cole, hurry to the hospital to save a life, great grandma can't hold on much longer

"Ding—" Just as William Cole's front foot left the Patriarch's villa, a phone call came in. It was from Elder Harrison.

William answered the phone, "Hello, teacher."

"Kid, weren't you kidnapped by the Patriarch?"

"I already know what happened. You're at the Patriarch's place, aren't you?"

"Give him the phone. I want to talk to him!" Elder Harrison's voice was grave.

William chuckled, "Thanks, teacher, but I'm alright now.

The Patriarch let me go."

"What? He let you go?" Elder Harrison was stunned, repeating his question, "What the hell happened? Tell me about it!"

When William explained what had happened, Elder Harrison was a bit puzzled, "That's not right. Given the Patriarch's character, he would not let you off easily."

"He asked you to heal him, but this can't simply abolish the grudges between you and the Patriarch."

"The moment I heard that the Patriarch abducted you, my first thought was that he intended to kill you."