Chapter 294: Kneel before me, household law awaits you!

Dawn family, inside the grand hall.

Florence Dawn laughed proudly, "Mother, look at what your granddaughter, my daughter, has accomplished!"

"It's an SSS grade beauty balm, its effect is amazing. The whole Capital City is going crazy for it."

"Mrs. Torres, the younger mistress of the Brews family, even the young miss of the Chow family, they all are rushing to place orders with us."

With Rose Dawn's promotion, the beauty balm made a huge splash within the circle of wealthy ladies and young misses in Capital City in just one day.

Standing among her peers in the Dawn family, Rose Dawn had an arrogant expression on her face.

Now that she had the recipe for the beauty balm in her hands, which was worth tens of billions in the market, if she did well, she just might create a beauty empire.

Old Granny knitted her brows: "Is it really that good?"

She was a bit skeptical. In her mind, Rose Dawn was someone without any skills or ambition.