Chapter 354: A married daughter is like water that's been poured out!

Eloise Torres and others left swiftly in an ambulance.

Only Ruth Dawn and William Cole were left in the room.

"What's going on?" William Cole frowned.

Ruth Dawn gave a bitter smile, pointing to a camera not far off, "My elder sister was having an affair with a handsome young man and got caught."

"Is it that simple?" William Cole pondered and asked.

"It's not that simple.

My elder sister somehow ended up with a guy named Marc Bauer." Ruth Dawn shook her head in disappointment.

"Did you know, my Dawn family acquired the cosmetics company of the Dawn Sect and now the family has assets of thirty billion!"

"My elder sister received seven billion from the shares, and after getting involved with Marc Bauer, she transferred all her shares to Marc in one go."

"Who knew trouble would crop up, Marc filmed their intimate moments, then called us all over..."