Chapter 384: My words still count even if I'm 9000 years old!

The woman leaned in, her body exuding a faint, familiar scent that felt incredibly distant.

William Cole didn't accept the red wine, but just frowned, "If you want my help, just ask, you don't need to compromise your principles."

"What do you mean compromise my principles? Is inviting you to a meal a compromise of my principles?" Ruth Dawn scoffed down one glass of wine then put the other one down.

She took her seat again, not causing a fuss or losing her temper.

This situation left William Cole feeling awkward.

"You..." William began to speak, but Ruth sighed, "Now, my father doesn't manage affairs, and my mother only complains!"

"My elder sister was driven out of the house, and my second sister is still irresponsible, living a life of decadence every day!"

"I'm single-handedly holding up the vast Dawn family, while also warding off the Dawn Sect's secret attacks, I'm really so tired."