Chapter 410: The Second Step Plan!

After leaving the detention center, Mario headed straight to a five-star hotel in Capital City, where someone was already awaiting him in the Imperial Hall.

"Mr. Mario, glad to see you've finally arrived." Upon seeing Mario arrive, Barbara Bauer walked up with a smile to greet him.

She then introduced, "Let me introduce, this is Isaac Cook, the young helmsman of Spring Breeze Biological Medical Care, and this lady is Sophie Patton, whose father is the chairman of the Maple Group. She has just returned from the United States this year. I suppose she'll stay in China to further her career going forward. She's the one who will take over the Maple Group in the future."

"Hello!" Isaac Cook stood up with a big smile, extending a hand to Mario.

"Hello, Mr. Mario."

Sophie Patton also nodded with a smile.

Mario shook hands with both of them, a smile on his face: "I am honored that the three of you could come today."