Chapter 425: No Respect

Kevin Roach's car stopped outside William Cole's estate, sending someone to knock on the door.

About two minutes later, someone opened the door and asked, "Who are you? Why are you knocking on the door this late? Do you know whose residence this is?"

With a jovial smile, Kevin Roach replied, "I am Kevin Roach, I would like Dr. Cole to come treat a patient in my family, please pass on the message."

Hugo Lawson was somewhat surprised. Given Kevin Roach's status, both the chairmen of the Capital City's Four Great Families and the Martial Association had to give him some face. Yet, today, he was asking William Cole for help with such humility?

This was a testament to the depth of Kevin Roach's sophistication.

"Wait here, I'll go get him."

The doorman, who held himself in a rather casual demeanor, had no idea who Kevin Roach was.

Just as William Cole was about to go to bed, Green Dragon came rushing in, "Master, Kevin Roach is here!"