Chapter 499: William Cole, how did you get out?

"Uncle, are you really going to do this?"

We can compete fairly, but you are forcing a rebellion with outsiders, which is against the Kramer family's code."

Hazel Kramer maintained her cold demeanor.

She then looked at the Kramer family shareholders, most of whom were relatives or in-laws of the Kramer family.

From its establishment, the Kramer family has always had family rules and regulations.

Otherwise, such a large family wouldn't have survived until today.

According to the Kramer family's rules, even if internal strife leads to bloodshed, it was considered as competition within the pack.

But one thing was clear, outsiders were not allowed to intervene.

Even though Hazel Kramer sought William Cole's help, she didn't let him completely intervene in the affairs of the Kramer family.

James Kramer, on the other hand, had completely violated the ancestral teachings of the Kramer family.