Chapter 504: Minnie Wright's Car Accident

"Hong Kong?"

William Cole was slightly surprised.

He had just dispatched Julian Cook to Hong Kong, and now Kevin Roach was asking him to go to Hong Kong to help a friend with a medical treatment?

Kevin Roach misunderstood William's thoughts, thinking that he was reluctant.

He added, "Dr. Cole, you won't regret your trip to Hong Kong."

"My friend does business all over southeast Asia, and even trades with people in India and Laos."

"The multinational conglomerates in India and the richest group in Laos have to give him face."

"If your Northern China Business Association wants to expand towards southeast Asia in the future, my friend will definitely be able to assist you."

After such a conversation, it was hard for William to decline.

After dinner, William Cole excused himself from the Roach family and prepared to head back when his phone rang again.