Chapter 525: Edna Gordon: Please, save my dad!

After William Cole was driven away, Iris Carter turned to look at Dr. Carter. "Dr. Carter, please save him."

"No problem, the surgical plan is already set, let's start the surgery immediately," Dr. Carter nodded.

"Check the patient's condition!"

"Yes." A female doctor stepped forward, looked at the CT scan, and exclaimed in surprise, "What? The patient's brain is no longer bleeding, what happened?"

Dr. Carter furrowed his brows and also approached the CT scan, "The bleeding has stopped?"

"That's great, Dr. Carter. Does this mean my husband isn't in danger anymore? Look, he's not snoring anymore, did the brain hemorrhage heal by itself?" Iris Carter was somewhat happy.

Dr. Carter shook his head, "It's unlikely."

"Earlier, we found that the patient's cerebral vessels are damaged, this is just a temporary stop in bleeding."

"What if it starts bleeding again later? The surgery must continue!"

"Prepare for the surgery." After Dr. Carter's command, everyone started to prepare.