Chapter 550: William Cole Takes Action


William Cole stopped Director Patton and the others.

As a doctor, he couldn't bear to see a patient in danger and not voice out a faulty surgery plan, this went against his principles as a healer.

"Director Patton, there are problems with this surgery plan."

"If we use liquid nitrogen to cool the patient's body, not only will it fail to draw out the bug, but it will also force the bug deeper into the patient's body."

"While it's true that the bug seeks heat, the patient's body temperature also drops from the surface."

William Cole held on to Director Patton's arm, "Once the patient's surface temperature begins to drop, the bug will not rush out of the body, instead, it will burrow into their organs."

"After all, the temperature in the organs is the highest. Doing this will not save the person, but harm them instead!"

Director Patton furrowed his eyebrows together.

He didn't quite trust William, his face slightly darkening, "Mr. Cole, please stop interrupting.