Chapter 556 Ruth Dawn Invites for a Meal


Chris Torres was very surprised. He had originally driven William Cole into a dead end, but unexpectedly, William agreed to a fight.

His gaze flickered for a moment, he smiled slightly, then nodded, "Alright then, eldest brother, be sure to show mercy."

"I enjoy conversing with Brother William, I wouldn't want to see him spending the rest of his life lying in a hospital bed."

William Cole smiled gently, "Rest assured, Brother Chris. Even if you spend the rest of your life lying in a hospital bed, I won't."


Chris Torres forced a smile, "Brother William is joking, suit yourselves, I will observe the battle."

He turned around, his face instantly clouded over and looked ominous.

The eldest brother took a step forward and stomped heavily on the ground.


With a crisp sound, the tiles shattered.


William felt his blood surge. The current William was not the same as before. His proficiency in martial arts had steadily increased.