When William Cole and Sean Lawson hurried back to the city of Capital City, chaos reigned in the hospital where Valerie Dawn resided.

Manifold people clothed in black outfits, their faces covered, began to appear.

The many patients and medical staff were terrified, they fled into the hospital rooms to take shelter.

Green Dragon and Sean's men were guarding the area, but the odds were against them, filled with fear they wouldn't last long.

"Bang, bang, bang——"

A middle-aged cop, upon seeing these black-clad ninjas charging, tenaciously fired his gun and yelled, "This is a hospital in China, are you all mad?"

"How dare you to cause trouble here, do you take China lightly?"

"Move! We must obtain that woman for Master Ito's health," a man of about 1.7 meters in height appeared. He was holding a samurai sword, his face covered with black cloth, exposing only his pair of eyes.

He was cold and ruthless, resembling a killing machine.